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Gender equality

In this reflectary, you will find key terms on feminisms, violence against women, and everyday manifestations of sexism.

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Ilustración de una mujer y un hombre de frente entre sí. En la pared están sus sombras. En su sombra, la mujer se toma la cabeza en señal de hartazgo.


Gaslighting  (Gaslighting) La palabra gaslighting proviene del inglés y se puede traducir al español como abuso machista emocional y psicológico. Gaslighting refers to a pattern of emotional abuse where the victim is manipulated to doubt their own perception, understanding, and memory. The practice looks to create anxiety, confusion, and depression.  The concept emerged from the classic Hollywood movie, Gaslight, que

Ilustración de una mujer y un hombre parados al mismo nivel sobre las dos bandejas de una balanza.


Gender (Género) Gender refers to a set of social, cultural, psychological, or political characteristics, among others, attributed to a person according to the sex they were assigned at birth. Gender is not a static or innate concept; it is a sociocultural construct that has varied and will continue to do so throughout time. The use of the concept was promoted

Primer plano de cuatro manos con el puño cerrado y en alto.

Gender critical feminism

Gender critical feminism (Feminismo crítico del género) Gender critical feminism emphasizes that the sole political subject of feminism are cisgender women. In other words, only those who were biologically born with female genitalia encounter patriarchal oppression and, thus, must be the focus of the feminist fight. Recently, this wave of feminism has gained popularity because it has become the centre

Ilustración del símbolo de la mujer y del hombre a ambos lados del signo igual, encerrados en un círculo.

Gender equality

Gender equality (Igualdad de género) This refers to the equality of rights, responsibilities, and opportunities between women and men. That is, regardless of the sex a person is born with, they must have the same rights, responsibilities, and opportunities to develop their full potential and live the life they desire. This means that men and women are equal. The world

Figuras de dos mujeres paradas junto a una pequeña pila de monedas y de dos hombres parados junto a una pila alta de monedas.

Gender gap

Gender gap (Brecha de género) The term gender gap was first used in the mid 1980s by feminist Eleonor Smeal in relation to the political sphere and to highlight the difference between women’s and men’s vote. Currently, this refers to a broader concept. It consists of an analytical framework that sheds light on the difference within a specific variable related

Una imagen compuesta por dos partes. En una de las mitades hay una joven con aretes y el cabello suelto. En la otra mitad, hay un hombre que lleva traje y usa bigote.

Gender identity

Gender identity (Identidad de género) This is a deep understanding that a person has about whether they feel like a man, woman, neither, or both. This concept attempts to eliminate gender binarism and promote sexual diversity and a satisfactory personal development. Gender identity may or may not be compatible with the sex assigned at birth. For example, trans people do

En una mitad, hay un hombre con guantes y delantal de cocina en un fondo de color rosa. En la otra mitad, hay una mujer con un taladro en un fondo de color celeste.

Gender roles

Gender roles (Roles de género) Gender roles refer to the set of social and behavioural norms assigned to the men and women of a specific group or social system. For example, men have traditionally been assigned the role of breadwinners, as specified by cisheteropatriarchy. On the other hand, a gender role traditionally assigned to women is that of a homemakers. These

Imagen tomada desde arriba de una mujer y un hombre. La mujer lleva guantes y tiene elementos de limpieza y de cocina. El hombre tiene un computador, documentos, un teléfono celular y un reloj.

Gender stereotype

Gender stereotype (Estereotipo de género) This is a generalized and simplistic view or opinion of the specific characteristics that a person has or should have based on their sex. Also, of the role that men or women assume or should assume. These are harmful when they are used to justify discrimination and when they privilege some people and subordinate others.

Ilustración del rostro de una mujer de frente. A su lado, está la silueta de perfil de un hombre con el dedo cerca de la boca, con el gesto de hacer silencio.

Gender-based violence

Gender-based violence (Violencia de género) This refers to violence on another person due to their gender or gender identity. It is based on the deep-rooted inequality between genders. Although any person can experience gender-based violence, it affects women and girls disproportionately. As a result, violence against women or gender-based violence against women are often used interchangeably.  Certain groups are particularly

Ilustración de una copa invertida. Una mujer está atrapada dentro de la copa y hay un hombre parado sobre la copa.

Glass ceiling

Glass ceiling (Techo de cristal ) The glass ceiling is a metaphor coined within gender studies to point to the invisible barriers that women face when making breakthroughs in their careers, particularly when moving towards high-ranking jobs. The fact that these barriers are invisible makes them difficult to identify and explain their existence. Therefore, the consequences of this ‘ceiling’ are attributed

Ilustración de una mujer que lleva falda y botas. En la mano, sostiene un megáfono por el que está hablando.

Hegemonic feminism

Hegemonic feminism (Feminismo hegemónico) Hegemonic feminism—also known as white feminism or second wave feminism—is considered the ‘traditional’ feminism. It focuses on white, urban, and middle or upper class women, mainly from the US and Europe, as the only model of women where others must fit in. The prototype of women for this wave of feminism is the US housewife who

Primer plano de un botín en el pie de una mujer sobre la cabeza de un hombre minúsculo. El hombre mira hacia arriba y se cubre la boca con las manos.


Hembrism (Hembrismo) This neologism refers to women’s discrimination towards men. The term is problematic and creates extensive debates. Those who advocate for coining this term argue that it fills a semantic gap of an expression that opposes male chauvinism.  Colloquially and in mass media, people often assume that feminism is the antonym of male chauvinism, which is incorrect. In reality,

Una ilustración con decenas de personas que representan diversidad en cuanto a la edad, la corporalidad, las capacidades, el sexo, la identidad de género, el origen étnico, la cultura y la religión, entre otras.

Human diversity

Human diversity (Diversidad humana) Human diversity is the variety of specific personal characteristics that make every person unique and different from others. These distinctive qualities of each person shape the plurality of identities that enrich societies. Some of these characteristics are age, social class, socio-economic status, corporeality, health, capacities and skills, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, ethnicity, culture, religion,

Cuatro mujeres indígenas de espalda. Tienen el cabello trenzado con cintas y visten faldas y camisas con muchos colores.

Indigenous feminisms

Indigenous feminisms (Feminismos indígenas) Collective thinking is the focus of this wave of feminism. It fights for collective rights and stands in contrast to western feminism, which focuses on the individual and exclusion. The concept of indigenous feminisms is rooted in the ideas of indigenous peoples which traditionally focus on collective identities that look to build a common project. However,

Dos mujeres adultas y una adolescente se sientan en unas escaleras de madera al aire libre. La mujer de mayor edad está de espaldas y mira a las otras dos. Las tres se ríen, con miradas de complicidad.

Intergenerational collaboration

Intergenerational collaboration (Colaboración intergeneracional) This is defined as the collaboration among two or more generations with a common goal. Within the feminist movement, this refers to the collaboration among girls, young women, and adult women in favour of a common fight. It respects each generation’s experience and expertise, the opportunity for mutual learning, and the need for collaboration to reach

Plano medio de una mujer racializada, con el rostro serio y los brazos cruzados en el pecho. De fondo, hay personas fuera de foco que sostienen carteles.


Intersectionality (Interseccionalidad) The term was coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw, an Afro-American academic, to highlight the way in which gender, race, social class, sexual orientation, and other individual identity characteristics intersect to create a different personal experience regarding systematic oppression. This is a way to understand social relations through the intersection of the different types of discrimination that people face. According

Ilustración de un hombre parado encima de la espalda y la cabeza de una mujer. El hombre usa a la mujer como escalera para ascender.

Male chauvinism

Male chauvinism (Machismo) Male chauvinism is sexual prejudice consisting of a set of attitudes and practices which are mostly unconscious and reflect discrimination and devaluing of the female sex by classifying women as inferior and not very capable. Since it does not have any scientific foundations, it considered a social construct. It is learned through socialization processes and, therefore, can also

Tres hombres sentados uno al lado del otro al aire libre. Ríen de manera amigable y cómplice. En el fondo, están las hojas de los árboles.


Man (Hombre) The concept of man is a term used in biology to classify humans in relation to their male reproductive system (penis and testicles). It is usually linked to masculinity, which is a gender expression based on cisheteronormativity. Since the ancient social construction, men have been identified with determined gender roles, expression, and identity. If someone’s reproductive system was

Personas fuera de foco caminando por la vía pública. Entre medio, un hombre con traje camina en dirección a la cámara. Su imagen se ve nítida.


Manslamming  (Manslamming) La palabra manslamming proviene del inglés y se puede traducir al español como machochoque (combinación de macho y choque). This term was coined by Jessica Roy, a writer for the New York magazine, after an experiment with Beth Braslaw. When walking in public spaces, she noticed that if she did not move to give way to the men

Ilustración de un hombre y una mujer sentados de frente, con una mesa redonda entre medio. El hombre está levantando el dedo índice. Por encima de ellos, se lee «mansplaining».


Mansplaining La palabra mansplaining proviene del inglés y se puede traducir al español como machoexplicación (de la combinación de macho y explicación). This is the male practice of explaining things to women, regardless of whether the man knows or understands the topic and doing so with a paternalistic and condescending tone, even if the woman is an expert on the