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Gender-based violence

(Violencia de género)

Ilustración del rostro de una mujer de frente. A su lado, está la silueta de perfil de un hombre con el dedo cerca de la boca, con el gesto de hacer silencio.

This refers to violence on another person due to their gender or gender identity. It is based on the deep-rooted inequality between genders. Although any person can experience gender-based violence, it affects women and girls disproportionately. As a result, violence against women or gender-based violence against women are often used interchangeably. 

Certain groups are particularly vulnerable to gender-based violence, including pregnant women, adolescents, people with disabilities, people with HIV, elderly, migrants, refugees, indigenous people, ethnic minorities, people from the LGBTIQ+ collective, sex workers, and people who use drugs. 

Gender-based violence varies in intensity and includes anything from insults to murder; it can be a single episode or multiple occurrences. It is manifested in different ways, but some of the most common include:  

  • intimate partner (or former partner) violence  
  • physical violence
  • homophobic and transphobic violence
  • psychological abuse
  • emotional abuse
  • reproductive coercion
  • sexual violence (including harassment and rape)
  • sexual slavery
  • human trafficking for sexual exploitation
  • economic violence
  • harmful traditional practices, such as female genital mutilation
  • symbolic violence
  • structural or institutional violence

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