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MODII provides definitions and reflections on key words and terms from a rights-based approach.
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About us

MODII is the first inclusive communication virtual platform that promotes equality, inclusion, and non-discrimination through the power of language. It is a joint effort and its content is regularly updated. IWORDS Global led the development of this free linguistic tool, which aims to support those who wish to communicate and transmit ideas in a way that highlights the diversity of humankind.

The platform includes non-sexist communication guidelinesa tool to compare terms by country, Spanish-English glossaries, as well as reflectaries (glossaries with definitions and reflections) on disability, sexual and gender diversity, gender equality, youths, environment, migration, indigenous and tribal peoples, and sexual and reproductive health.

MODII is an accessible platform, which means it will always speak to you clearly and simply. It also provides videos in sign language and a web accessibility tool. You can explore the variety of resources MODII offers and choose the ones that best suit your needs.

Do you promote cultural changes and social transformations? Are you looking to write a message while being sensitive to gender? Or, perhaps, you need to translate a text using a rights-based approach?

You have come to the right place! Don’t leave! Send us your suggestions and questions. Remember, small acts bring about big changes.

Last questions

Logo invitado modii  Lidia_munoz

¿Qué diferencia hay entre «femicidio» y «feminicidio»? ¿Se pueden usar de manera indistinta?
Avatar Modii modii

Ambos términos hacen referencia al asesinato de una mujer por el simple hecho de ser mujer. Feminicidio se usa más en algunos países de América Latina, como México o Colombia; femicidio es más común en España, Argentina, Venezuela, Chile y Honduras. Si quieres saber más, ¡mira la definición en el reflexionario de igualdad de género!

Logo invitado modii  nacho.fer

Is there any Spanish translation for ’greenwashing’?
Avatar Modii modii

Of course! The term greenwashing can be translated into Spanish as lavado verde, ecoimpostura, lavado de imagen verde or falso ecologismo. If you want to learn more, check out the definition in the Environment reflectary!


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