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In this reflectary, you will find key terms on sexuality, the internet and social media, youth participation, and relationships among young people.

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Plano medio de una mujer racializada, con el rostro serio y los brazos cruzados en el pecho. De fondo, hay personas fuera de foco que sostienen carteles.


Intersectionality (Interseccionalidad) The term was coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw, an Afro-American academic, to highlight the way in which gender, race, social class, sexual orientation, and other individual identity characteristics intersect to create a different personal experience regarding systematic oppression. This is a way to understand social relations through the intersection of the different types of discrimination that people face. According

Una adolescente hace una morisqueta con la cara. Abre los ojos grandes y pone los labios hacia adentro, como la boca de un pez.

Late adolescence

Late adolescence (Adolescencia tardía) For those who establish three stages of adolescence (early, middle, and late), late adolescence goes from ages 17 to 19. For those who establish two stages (early and late), late adolescence goes from ages 15 to 19. Between the ages of 17 and 19, adolescents have generally completed their physical development, they have greater control over their impulses,

Ilustración de tres siluetas del cuerpo masculino.


Masculinity (Masculinidad) This refers to the way society expects boys and men to behave based on the meaning of being a man that has socially been accepted. This is a social, political, and historical construction; as a result, masculinity differs depending on the place and throughout time.  In a patriarchal and heteronormative system, masculinity is associated, among other things, to bravery,

Plano desde abajo de tres adolescentes que sonríen y juntan sus cabezas.

Middle adolescence

Middle adolescence (Adolescencia mediana) This refers to the period following puberty or early adolescence. During middle adolescence, people become interested in exploring and exercising their sexuality, body, and physical appearance. They also give their peers greater importance. Interest in romantic or sexual relationships increases, as well as questioning their identity, for example, their gender identity. They also seek greater independence and are likely

Mapamundi creado con la silueta de personas.

Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development

Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development (Consenso de Montevideo sobre Población y Desarrollo) In 2013, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the government of Uruguay organized the First session of the Regional Conference on Population and Development. The meeting resulted in the approval of the Montevideo Consensus, which is a regional agenda with 120 measures

Imagen tomada desde el fondo de un aula. Hay niñas y niños de espaldas, que levantan la mano para responder a lo que pregunta la persona a cargo de la clase, que se ve fuera de foco.

Non-sexist education

Non-sexist education (Educación no sexista) This educational approach promotes gender equality and non-discrimination. It recognizes that gender-based discrimination can be learned and unlearned at school and in other spaces. As such, it promotes an educational environment that equally values women and men. It also avoids imposing roles and social mandates that are traditionally assigned based on a person’s sex, and

Primer plano de dos manos que sostienen el control de mando de una consola de videojuegos.


Player (Persona que juega) This refers to the person taking part in a game or group sport. There are various types of games, including motor-related, symbolic, electronic, of rules, etc. The games can have different objectives, such as providing entertainment, fun and joy, stimulating physical or social skills, or even as an educational tool. According to the Convention on the Rights

Adolescente de espaldas sobre una colina de pasto verde. Extiende los brazos y mira en dirección al sol.

Progressive autonomy

Progressive autonomy (Autonomía progresiva) Progressive autonomy is a characteristic of personal autonomy, which refers to the ability to act based on one’s initiative, independently and responsibly. Children and adolescents gradually acquire this quality according to their age and maturity. This is what progressive autonomy refers to. In this sense, their rights must be recognized, respected, and guaranteed, regardless of their age. Articles 5 and

Trece puños levantados para reflejar la diversidad multiétnica de la sociedad.


   Racism (Racismo) Racism is the discriminatory belief that a group of people have characteristics that make them superior or inferior compared to others. These characteristics are often physical, including skin colour or facial features. They can also include language or place of birth. Racism also refers to the political ideology or anthropological doctrine founded in that feeling of superiority

Primer plano de un dado insertado en el soporte giratorio de un globo terráqueo.


Random  An increasing number of people use the term, especially young people, in informal contexts and oral language as a synonym of something that is not pre-established, that is open, varies, by chance, arbitrary, and even strange. But it is also a synonym for something normal, basic, or tedious. It also refers to an event that occurs without explanation, unexpectedly, and

Una joven sonríe y mira a la cámara. En una mano sostiene un calendario y en la otra mano tiene un blíster de pastillas anticonceptivas.

Reproductive health

Reproductive health (Salud reproductiva) For the World Health Organization, reproductive health is the state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. It addresses reproduction mechanisms and the functioning of the reproductive systemin all stages of life. It is not solely about the absence of medical conditions or diseases; rather, it implies the freedom to decide regarding the desire to procreate

Ilustración de una variedad de métodos anticonceptivos y elementos relacionados con la salud sexual y reproductiva.

Reproductive rights

Reproductive rights (Derechos reproductivos) This refers to the rights that every person has regarding the following: To decide whether they want children or not, when, and spacing between pregnancies. To have the information and necessary means to do so. To control their reproductive capacity through the use of contraceptive methods. To enjoy the highest standard of sexual and reproductive health. This

Ilustración de un brazo extendido hacia arriba con cuya mano sostiene una balanza con los péndulos en equilibrio.

Right to choose

Right to choose (Derecho a decidir) The term right to choose originates in women’s right to decide on their sexuality and their reproductive capacity. It is attributed to Beverly Wildung Harrison, a Presbyterian theologian and ethics specialists. In 1983, she wrote the book Our Right to Choose in Boston, it was during one of the most decisive moments of the abortion debate

Primer plano de una mano que sostiene un teléfono celular, rodeada de cuatro burbujas de mensajes de texto.


Sexting  This is the practice of using digital technology to create and share sexually explicit content, particularly intimate images and videos. People who sext use social media, instant messaging, forums, or email. The material is sent through electronic devices, such as a cell phone. Sexting is a frequent practice, particularly among young people, and is not exempt from risks. Sometimes, the person

Primer plano de una manos pequeñas con los puños cerrados. Una mano mucho más grande toma a la persona por las muñecas con un agarre firme.

Sexual abuse against children and adolescents

Sexual abuse against children and adolescents (Abuso sexual contra niñas, niños y adolescentes) This occurs when an adult uses a child or an adolescent for their own sexual stimulation or for someone else’s. It includes all sexual exchanges where the child or adolescent does not or cannot give their consent, regardless of whether they understand that these actions are sexual

Tres iconos de personas que ríen. Una viste con los colores del arcoíris.

Sexual and gender diversity

Sexual and gender diversity (Diversidad sexual y de género) This is a general term that refers to the multiple possibilities that derive from sexual diversity (orientation and intensity), from gender expression and identity, and its combinations. This is an alternative to using the acronym, for example LGBTIQ+, which includes the different types of this diversity. This expression is a response to

Primer plano de un estetoscopio y dos paquetes de condones.

Sexual health

    Sexual health (Salud sexual) This is a state of physical, mental, and social well-being in relation to all aspects of sexuality. This is not solely about the absence of diseases, dysfunction, or illnesses. Sexual health addresses many issues, including prevention, care, and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (STD); reproductive tract infections (RTI) and their adverse consequences, such as infertility and cancer,

Una mujer y un hombre en la vía pública. El hombre extiende el brazo para tocar el hombro de la mujer. La mujer lo mira con seriedad y levanta su mano para indicarle al hombre que se detenga.

Sexual street harassment

Street sexual harassment (Acoso sexual callejero) These are behaviours with a sexual connotation that take place in public areas against strangers and without their consent. They cause discomfort and intimidation. They include explicit sexual comments, staring, whistling, touching, taking pictures or videos, stalking, cornering, obscene gestures, flashing, and masturbating in front of the person being harassed. This is an expression

Primer plano de una mujer frente a la cámara. Sobre la boca y las mejillas, tiene una mano pintada con color rojo. De fondo y fuera de foco, varias mujeres sostienen carteles.

Sexual violence

Sexual violence (Violencia sexual) According to the World Health Organization, sexual violence is ‘any sexual act, attempt to obtain a sexual act, or other act directed against a person’s sexuality using coercion, by any person regardless of their relationship to the victim, in any setting’ (WHO, 2017). This phenomenon takes on different forms, including harassment, unwanted sexual advances, sexual abuse,

Dos figuras de madera se abrazan y entrelazan las piernas y los brazos.


Sexuality (Sexualidad) Sexuality is an integral part of each person and it is present throughout their life, and it is an essential part of their identity and personality. It encompasses sex, gender identities, gender roles, sexual orientation, eroticism, pleasure, intimacy, and reproduction. Sexuality starts to develop during childhood and it is discovered through masturbation, which is the stimulation of their