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Icono Juventudes

Street sexual harassment

(Acoso sexual callejero)

Una mujer y un hombre en la vía pública. El hombre extiende el brazo para tocar el hombro de la mujer. La mujer lo mira con seriedad y levanta su mano para indicarle al hombre que se detenga.

These are behaviours with a sexual connotation that take place in public areas against strangers and without their consent. They cause discomfort and intimidation. They include explicit sexual comments, staring, whistling, touching, taking pictures or videos, stalking, cornering, obscene gestures, flashing, and masturbating in front of the person being harassed.

This is an expression of sexual and gender-based violence. This term is used to shed light on the situations that mainly women encounter in public areas on a daily basis. 

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