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In this reflectary, you will find key terms on sexuality, the internet and social media, youth participation, and relationships among young people.

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Primer plano de las manos de una persona que escribe en un computador portátil. Sobre las manos, hay cuadros de diálogo con emoticones, como el dedo pulgar para abajo y cara de enojo. Además, hay insultos y palabras de odio.

Cyber violence

Ciberviolence (Ciberviolencia) This is any action through digital media with the goal of hurting our causing suffering. In general, it happens through instant messaging, social media, online forums or chats, email, or gaming communities. Cyber violence takes on many forms, including cyberbullying,  cyberstalking,  grooming, or sexual extortion. This situation disproportionately, and specifically, affects adolescents and young people, especially women. In addition to these,

Adolescente frente a una computadora portátil se cubre el rostro con ambas manos.


Ciberbullying (Ciberacoso) Cyberbullying or cyberharassment is the act of intimidating someone or a group through virtual media. This occurs when the bully posts or shares the victim’s confidential information, as well as negative, cruel, aggressive, and—often—false content. The bully can pose as another person and send hurtful messages in their name. Cyberbullying takes place in instant messaging, social media, online forums or chats,

Una adolescente sonríe mientras mira el teléfono celular que sostiene con la mano a la altura de su rostro. Además, usa auriculares.

Early adolescence

Early adolescence (Adolescencia temprana) Early adolescence   goes from 10 to 13 years, or from 10 to 14. During this period, adolescents experience rapid and significant physical changes. For example, primary sexual characteristics appear and girls have their first menstruation, also called menarche. The body acquires the ability to sexually reproduce. All of these body changes can cause curiosity and anxiety, especially if

Un grupo de niñas y niños se reúnen alrededor de una mesa y escriben con tiza en una pancarta con símbolos ambientales.

Environmental education

Environmental education Educación ambiental The goal of environmental education is ‘to develop a world population that is aware of, and concerned about, the environment and its associated problems, and which has the knowledge, skills, attitudes, motivations, and commitment to work individually and collectively toward solutions of current problems and the prevention of new ones.’ Environmental education is not only used in

Una hoja de afeitar sobre una sábana blanca. La sábana está arrugada y tiene algunas manchas.

Female genital mutilation

Female genital mutilation (Mutilación genital femenina) This is a procedure that partially or completely removes the external female genital organs or that causes injuries to the women’s genital organs, without a medical and health reason to justify it. Generally, the practice looks to repress female sexuality. The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified four types of female genital mutilation. Type

Plano difuso de varias personas jóvenes, sentadas una al lado de la otra. Todas sostienen teléfonos celulares en las manos. Sobre los teléfonos, están los iconos de redes sociales de un corazón, una persona y una burbuja de diálogo y los números con la cantidad de solicitudes.


Follower This refers to people following others on social media to be up to date on the content they publish. Often, on social media, the number of followers is a sign of influence and recognition. As a result, many people—including young women—aim for a large number of followers to gain greater visibility and interaction with the content they publish. People

Perfil de una mujer embarazada que está sentada. La mujer se tapa el rostro con las manos e inclina la cabeza hacia abajo.

Forced pregnancy

Forced pregnancy (Embarazo forzado) In the Rome Statute, forced pregnancy is defined as the ‘unlawful confinement of a woman forcibly made pregnant, with the intent of affecting the ethnic composition of any population or carrying out other grave violations of international law’ (Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, 2002). The term refers to pregnancy resulting from a forced sexual relation or

Ilustración del símbolo de la mujer y del hombre a ambos lados del signo igual, encerrados en un círculo.

Gender equality

Gender equality (Igualdad de género) This refers to the equality of rights, responsibilities, and opportunities between women and men. That is, regardless of the sex a person is born with, they must have the same rights, responsibilities, and opportunities to develop their full potential and live the life they desire. This means that men and women are equal. The world

Una imagen compuesta por dos partes. En una de las mitades hay una joven con aretes y el cabello suelto. En la otra mitad, hay un hombre que lleva traje y usa bigote.

Gender identity

Gender identity (Identidad de género) This is a deep understanding that a person has about whether they feel like a man, woman, neither, or both. This concept attempts to eliminate gender binarism and promote sexual diversity and a satisfactory personal development. Gender identity may or may not be compatible with the sex assigned at birth. For example, trans people do

Imagen tomada desde arriba de una mujer y un hombre. La mujer lleva guantes y tiene elementos de limpieza y de cocina. El hombre tiene un computador, documentos, un teléfono celular y un reloj.

Gender stereotype

Gender stereotype (Estereotipo de género) This is a generalized and simplistic view or opinion of the specific characteristics that a person has or should have based on their sex. Also, of the role that men or women assume or should assume. These are harmful when they are used to justify discrimination and when they privilege some people and subordinate others.

Primer plano de una joven con expresión afligida en una cafetería. Sobre la mesa hay una taza de café y un teléfono celular.


Ghosting This happens when a person disappears, for no particular reason, from another person’s life with whom there was a relationship—either as a couple or friend—through social media or physical exchanges. References: Qué significa ghostear. Retrieved 6 July 2020. Photo credit: fizkes Have any questions? MODII can help! Send your query

Dos espacios divididos por una pared. De un lado de la pared, hay un hombre con sombrero frente a una computadora. Del otro lado, hay un adolescente frente a una computadora.


Grooming  This phenomenon refers to befriending children online for sexual purposes. This is when an adult deceitfully approaches a child or an adolescent using new information and communication technology, such as chats, social media, forums, etc. The purpose is to establish a supposed friendship and gain the other’s trust to obtain physical or online sexual satisfaction. People who do this are called groomers or cyber

Primer plano de la mano extendida y abierta de una joven, en señal de detención. La joven está en segundo plano y su rostro se ve difuso.

Harmful practices

Harmful practices (Prácticas nocivas) These are practices and types of behaviours that continue in time and cause harm or physical and psychological suffering to children and adolescents. They are associated to types of violence or are in themselves violent, and are imposed by family members, the community, or by society in general, without the victim’s free and informed consent. They

Ilustración de unas manos que sostienen un teléfono celular. En segundo plano, hay una joven sentada sobre un teléfono celular, que está rodeada de globos de comentarios.


Hater This word is used by young people—social media users—to name people who radiate hate by attacking others with negative comments on their posts. References: Diccionario de redes sociales para principiantes. Retrieved 6 July 2020. Photo credit: Animashka Have any questions? MODII can help! Send your query

Primer plano de una joven que sonríe. Está parada al lado de un pequeño esqueleto del cuerpo humano.

Health education

  Health education (Educación para la salud) Es una estrategia de salud pública que promueve aprendizajes individuales y colectivos sobre los determinantes de la salud y el análisis críticoThis is a public health strategy that promotes individual and collective learning on health determinants and the critical analysis of health information. The goal of this is to enable people and communities

Una ilustración con decenas de personas que representan diversidad en cuanto a la edad, la corporalidad, las capacidades, el sexo, la identidad de género, el origen étnico, la cultura y la religión, entre otras.

Human diversity

Human diversity (Diversidad humana) Human diversity is the variety of specific personal characteristics that make every person unique and different from others. These distinctive qualities of each person shape the plurality of identities that enrich societies. Some of these characteristics are age, social class, socio-economic status, corporeality, health, capacities and skills, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, ethnicity, culture, religion,

Cinco jóvenes de espaldas llevan una bandera en la espalda y levantan los brazos con los puños cerrados. Las banderas son de Brasil, Chile, Argentina, Colombia y México.

Ibero-American Convention on the Rights of Youth (CIDJ)

Ibero-American Convention on the Rights of Youth Convención Iberoamericana de Derechos de los Jóvenes, CIDJ  TheIbero-American Conventiononthe Rights of Youth is an international agreement that specifically gathers the civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights ofyouth. In entered into force on March 2008 and was updated through an additional protocol signed in 2016. The Convention consists of 44 articles that

Ilustración de un grupo de personas que salen tomadas de la mano de un teléfono celular gigante. La persona que guía la fila lleva un megáfono.


Influencer  This is a positive reference to someone who has many followers on social media due to their ability to share content that is interesting to many people and that goes viral. Influencers have a significant impact on opinions, tastes, beliefs, and the decisions of people who admire and follow them. This terms has gained importance in the last few years.

Una joven afrolatina le explica algo en un papel a un niño afrolatino que está sentado sobre escaleras de concreto. Usan uniformes escolares.

Intercultural education

Intercultural education (Educación intercultural) Especially since the 1970s and 1980s, intercultural education has been one of the most significant fights of indigenous and tribal peoples in the American continent. Their claim has not only been —and continues to be— to be educated in their own language. The goal is also to ensure that diverse cultures are included in the traditional education system and

Dos mujeres adultas y una adolescente se sientan en unas escaleras de madera al aire libre. La mujer de mayor edad está de espaldas y mira a las otras dos. Las tres se ríen, con miradas de complicidad.

Intergenerational collaboration

Intergenerational collaboration (Colaboración intergeneracional) This is defined as the collaboration among two or more generations with a common goal. Within the feminist movement, this refers to the collaboration among girls, young women, and adult women in favour of a common fight. It respects each generation’s experience and expertise, the opportunity for mutual learning, and the need for collaboration to reach