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Sexual and gender diversity

Ilustración de una mujer y un hombre parados al mismo nivel sobre las dos bandejas de una balanza.


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Gender (Género) Gender refers to a set of social, cultural, psychological, or political characteristics, among others, attributed to a person according to the sex they were assigned at birth. Gender… Read More »Gender

Persona de frente a la cámara. Usa anteojos grandes y un pañuelo en el cuello.


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Genderqueer (Genderqueer) This is a broad term that includes multiple gender expressions and describes any gender identity beyond the binary of man–woman. It is generally associated with the trans community.… Read More »Genderqueer

Dos hombres bailan tomados de la mano y sonríen. Sus frentes se están tocando. Usan trajes y una flor en el ojal del saco.


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Gay (Gay) Gay is used to refer to men who are emotionally, sexually, and romantically attracted to other men. The origin of this word dates back to the mid 18th… Read More »Gay

Un patito de goma en la línea divisoria de un fondo cuyo color es mitad rosa y mitad celeste.

Gender expression

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Gender expression (Expresión de género) Gender expression refers to the way that a person uses their personal appearance, expressions, and other gestures to communicate their gender. Gender expression may include… Read More »Gender expression

Imagen tomada desde arriba de una mujer y un hombre. La mujer lleva guantes y tiene elementos de limpieza y de cocina. El hombre tiene un computador, documentos, un teléfono celular y un reloj.

Gender stereotype

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Gender stereotype (Estereotipo de género) This is a generalized and simplistic view or opinion of the specific characteristics that a person has or should have based on their sex. Also,… Read More »Gender stereotype

Primer plano del semblante serio de un joven que apoya la cara y las manos contra una red.


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Stereotype (Estereotipo) These are generalized opinions of certain social groups based on certain characteristics, such as ethnicity, age, sex, gender, profession, physical appearance, nationality, and social class, among others.  They… Read More »Stereotype

Imagen tomada desde el fondo de un aula. Hay niñas y niños de espaldas, que levantan la mano para responder a lo que pregunta la persona a cargo de la clase, que se ve fuera de foco.

Non-sexist education

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Non-sexist education (Educación no sexista) This educational approach promotes gender equality and non-discrimination. It recognizes that gender-based discrimination can be learned and unlearned at school and in other spaces. As… Read More »Non-sexist education

Drag queen en el Desfile del orgullo gay en Torremolinos, España. Lleva un vestido, un abanico y una corona con plumas en la cabeza.

Drag queen

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Drag queen  (Drag queen) Drag queen refers to a man who uses women’s clothing and make-up with comical, satirical, or dramatic intentions for performances. Their intention is not to imitate… Read More »Drag queen

Mujer vestida con camisa, tirantes, sombrero y pajarita. Usa bigotes, fuma un cigarrillo y tiene el rostro serio.

Drag king

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Drag king (Drag king) Drag king refers to a woman who uses men’s clothing and make-up with comical, satirical, or dramatic intentions for performances. Their intention is not to imitate… Read More »Drag king