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Sexual orientation

Primer plano de un cubo de Rubik gigante en la vía pública. En algunas de las secciones del cubo, hay una variedad de signos de mujer y hombre, solos o combinados.

Sexual orientation

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  Sexual orientation (Orientación sexual) Sexual orientation is defined as the emotional, romantic, or sexual attraction towards others. Sexual orientation is not the same thing as the biological sex assigned at… Read More »Sexual orientation

Ilustración de una persona que se quita una máscara con el rostro de un hombre y se queda con rostro de mujer.

Transsexual woman

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Transsexual woman (Mujer transexual) A person who was born with a male reproductive system, yet psychologically and vitally they identify with the feminine gender. Transsexual women may aspire to affirm their gender… Read More »Transsexual woman

Mujer sentada en cuclillas en un campo. Viste ropa deportiva y usa una prótesis en la pierna.


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Woman (Mujer) In biology, the term is used for a female human; this means a person who has a female genital system or a female reproductive system (vagina, uterus, fallopian… Read More »Woman

Ilustración de una diversidad de personas agrupadas, como si estuviesen sobre gradas. Varias de ellas sostienen la bandera del arcoíris.


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LGBTIQ+  (LGBTIQ+) This acronym refers to lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transsexuals, intersex, queer, and all the multiple expressions of sexual diversity, and gender identity and expression (included with the symbol +).… Read More »LGBTIQ+

Dos mujeres en la vía pública sonríen mientras se miran. Una cruza el brazo sobre el cuello de la otra y sus frentes y narices se están tocando.


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Lesbian (Lesbiana) The term lesbian is very heterogeneous. On the one hand, it is used to refer to women who are emotionally, sexually, and romantically attracted to other women. On… Read More »Lesbian

Ilustración de dos manos que separan el símbolo de mujer y de hombre del lugar donde estaban unidos.


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Intersex (Intersexual) This refers to a person whose body is outside the sexual binary. Being intersex is not synonymous with having any type of medical issue. Intersexuality occurs naturally and is… Read More »Intersex

Una imagen compuesta por dos partes. En una de las mitades hay una joven con aretes y el cabello suelto. En la otra mitad, hay un hombre que lleva traje y usa bigote.

Gender identity

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Gender identity (Identidad de género) This is a deep understanding that a person has about whether they feel like a man, woman, neither, or both. This concept attempts to eliminate… Read More »Gender identity

Primer plano de una bota que pisa una bandera del arcoiris tirada en el suelo.


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Homophobia (Homofobia) This term is used to describe rejection, fear, or discrimination towards lesbian women and gay men. A homophobic action includes any verbal, physical, psychological, or sexual aggression towards people with these sexual orientations.… Read More »Homophobia

Primer plano de un hombre transexual que lleva anteojos, camisa, chaleco y pajarita o corbatín.

Transsexual man

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Transsexual man (Hombre transexual) A person who was born with a female reproductive system, yet psychologically and vitally they identify with the masculine gender. Transsexual men may aspire to affirm their… Read More »Transsexual man

Tres hombres sentados uno al lado del otro al aire libre. Ríen de manera amigable y cómplice. En el fondo, están las hojas de los árboles.


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Man (Hombre) The concept of man is a term used in biology to classify humans in relation to their male reproductive system (penis and testicles). It is usually linked to… Read More »Man