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Primer plano de la palma de la mano de una mujer, en señal de detención. Fuera de foco, está la mujer en un bosque.


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TERF (TERF) This acronym means trans-exclusionary radical feminist. The use of this term, which generates controversy and debates, is on the rise on social media. For some sectors, it is… Read More »TERF

Mujer con anteojos redondos y un turbante en la cabeza con los colores del arcoíris.

Queer theory

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Queer theory (Teoría queer) This is a relatively new wave within the feminist and LGBTIQ+ movement; it states that gender is constantly being constructed and evolving. It argues that gender,… Read More »Queer theory

Dos figuras de madera se abrazan y entrelazan las piernas y los brazos.


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Sexuality (Sexualidad) Sexuality is an integral part of each person and it is present throughout their life, and it is an essential part of their identity and personality. It encompasses… Read More »Sexuality

Un banano, cáscaras de banano y medio pomelo.

Biological sex

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  Biological sex (Sexo biológico) Biologically defined sex is determined by a person’s reproductive system and their physiognomy. In other words, based on their genetic, hormonal, anatomic, and physiological characteristics.… Read More »Biological sex

Ilustración de dos piernas gigantes al lado de una mujer minúscula, que llega a la altura de las rodillas.


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Sexismo  (Sexism) Sexism is a type of discrimination based on people’s biological sex or their gender . It also refers to the prejudice and the stereotypes that women or men encounter as a result of the… Read More »Sexism

En una mitad, hay un hombre con guantes y delantal de cocina en un fondo de color rosa. En la otra mitad, hay una mujer con un taladro en un fondo de color celeste.

Gender roles

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Gender roles (Roles de género) Gender roles refer to the set of social and behavioural norms assigned to the men and women of a specific group or social system. For… Read More »Gender roles

Ilustración de una diversidad de personas, una al lado de la otra, que miran hacia el costado. Tienen estilos de cabello diferentes y prendas de todos los colores.


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Queer  (Queer) Queer is used to describe a sexual orientation or a gender expression or identity outside of the gender binary (man/woman). Queer people express that having a specific sexual… Read More »Queer

Ilustración de cinco personas que representan diversidad sexual y de género. Una sostiene la bandera del arcoíris y otra tiene una remera que dice LGBTQ.

Transgender person

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Transgender person (Persona transgénero) Transgender is a broad concept often used to refer to people whose identity does not correspond to the sex they were assigned at birth. It should not be… Read More »Transgender person

Ilustración de cuatro personas, una al lado de la otra. Unas se abrazan y otras se toman de las manos. Por encima, hay una cinta con los colores del género no binario.

Non-binary person

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Non-binary person (Persona no binaria) This refers to people whose gender identity does not correspond to the spectrum of female and male gender binaries. Non-binary people can feel that their… Read More »Non-binary person

Ilustración de personas que bailan. Algunas lo hacen solas y otras con dos o tres personas.


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Pansexual (Pansexual) Pansexuality is a type of sexual orientation where the person feels attracted to all types of genders: feminine, masculine, and non-binary, among others. The origin of the word… Read More »Pansexual