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In this reflectary, you will find key terms on universal accessibility, independent living, decision-making support, and self-identification.

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Dos mujeres que se comunican con lengua de señas. Una está de espalda y la otra está de frente y sonríe.

Sign language

Sign language (Lengua de señas) This is a communication system used by people who are deaf and those who can hear. It consists of signs using hand movements, facial expressions, visual cues, and body movements, and it has complex grammar and rich vocabulary. Sign language represents a significant cultural element for the deaf community, and it is part of their

Una ilustración de una gran silla de ruedas con una persona sentada en ella y otras personas diminutas que trabajan alrededor.

Special measures

Special measures (Medidas especiales) In some legislations, these are considered affirmative actions. This is part of the support promoting the right to equality of people with disabilities, and they can be temporary or permanent, and of varied nature. They go from transportation subsidies or grants so that people with disabilities can use taxis, pay less, or not pay when using

Toma de decisiones con apoyo

Supported decision-making

Supported decision-making (Toma de decisiones con apoyos) This tool allows people with disabilities and with understanding, thinking, and communication difficulties to preserve their ability to decide with the support of another person. The tool varies depending on each situation and person’s needs. People who use supported decision-making choose advisors they can trust—including friends, family members, or professionals—to act as ‘advocates’.

Cuatro personas con diferentes discapacidades reunidas en una mesa redonda, en un entorno laboral.

Supported employment

Supported employment (Empleo con apoyo) A set of services and individualized actions to ensure the complete inclusion of people with disabilities in the labour market and guarantee their right to employment on equal terms. It allows them to obtain a job, stay in it, and get promoted with the help of professionals and other specialized resources in order to enable

Diecisiete cuadrados con el nombre y el símbolo de cada ODS más otro cuadrado con el símbolo de la ONU y la leyenda «Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible».

Sustainable Development Goals, SDG

Sustainable Development Goals, SDG (Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, ODS) The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are a set of global goals established to protect the planet, eradicate poverty and inequality, and ensure a sustainable future for humanity. They are part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, resulting from a long participatory process. The Agenda was adopted on 25 September 2015

Una bandeja con seis huevos. Cinco de los huevos son blancos y tienen dibujada una expresión de fastidio o enojo. Los huevos dirigen la mirada hacia el sexto huevo, que es marrón, y tiene expresión de preocupación.


  Tokenism (Tokenismo) This is the practice of including and engaging minority groups and collectives, but only in a symbolic and superficial way. The neologism comes from the word token, which means symbol. This is a discriminatory practice precisely because it is based on avoiding accusations of prejudice and discrimination. It pretends to be diverse, but with no intention of

Accesibilidad Universal

Universal accessibility

Universal accessibility, full accessibility (Accesibilidad universal) Sign language video + Universal accessibility is a characteristic that all objects, spaces, processes, tools, and services should have, so that everyone can use, understand, and practice comfortably, safely, and independently (Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad, 2019, p. 92). In summary, universal accessibility is a feature everything we use should have, at all times (Casado,

Cinco iconos: hombre, mujer, persona en silla de ruedas, mujer amamantando y persona cambiando pañales.

Universal Design

Universal design (Diseño universal) This term refers to the design of ‘products, environments, programmes and services to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design’ (United Nations, 2006). In this sense, it goes beyond accessibility because it does not include adjustments for a specific group. Rather, since its conception, it considers