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In this reflectary, you will find key terms on universal accessibility, independent living, decision-making support, and self-identification.

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Dos jóvenes hacen morisquetas. Sacan la lengua hacia un costado e imitan la forma de anteojos con los dedos de la mano.


Mad (Loca, loco) Some people who have been diagnosed with mental health issues, who have taken psychiatric medication, or who have been patients in mental health centres assert their right to call themselves mad as part of their identity. In this understanding, being mad is not a condition but a way to be which opposes the stigma that has always

Cuatro personas con discapacidad reunidas alrededor de una mesa redonda, con actitud distendida.

Peer support

Peer support  (Apoyo entre pares) These are collective spaces where people with disabilities help, train, and strengthen each other. In these spaces, people recognize that they are the experts on the experience of disability, the barriers that they encounter in different areas, and the empowerment mechanisms that they have developed to exercise their citizenship. In this sense, peer support strengthens

Cinco personas con discapacidad ríen y conversan en una terraza.

Person living with a disability

Person living with a disability (Persona en situación de discapacidad) This refers to a person who—due to physical, sensory, cognitive, or psychosocial conditions—encounters disadvantages or a disabling situation when facing environmental barriers compared to others. In this framework, if the barriers that prevent full participation in society disappear, so does the disability they experience. This type of self-recognition, which aligns

Un niño de espaldas a la cámara toca su sombra en una pared.

Person with autism

Person with autism (Persona con autismo) This refers to a person with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The clinical manifestations of ASD vary which is why we talk about a range or spectrum. To refer to these individuals, MODII suggests using person with autism, person who has autism, or autistic person. A general term to refer to this population within human

Mujer que sonríe y mira hacia el costado.

Person with disabilities

Person with disabilities (Persona con discapacidad) This refers to a person with specific physical, sensory, cognitive, or psychosocial conditions, who encounters barriers that prevent them from fully and effectively participating in society, in a level playing field. In the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities these conditions are included as long-term physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory impairments (United

Un hombre y una mujer, que sonríen mientras se comunican con lengua de señas.

Person with functional diversity

Person with functional diversity (Persona con diversidad funcional) This is a person who uses alternatives—that differ from what the majority of the population uses—to carry out certain tasks. For example, a person with a hearing impairment uses sign language to communicate, instead of words and hearing like the rest of the hearing population. Or a person with cerebral palsy who

Una niña y una mujer sentadas en un sillón se comunican usando lengua de señas.

Person with hearing impairment or disability

Person with hearing impairment or disability (Persona con discapacidad auditiva) This refers to a person whose hearing functions or ear structure are altered. This hinders their perception of sounds in the environment and oral language. The conditions for these alterations are multiple. As a result, hearing disability encompasses a wide range of diverse people, including those with complete hearing loss

En un primer plano, un hombre y una mujer se miran y sonríen entre sí. En el fondo, un grupo de personas hojean un afiche y conversan alrededor de una mesa.

Person with intellectual disability

Person with intellectual disability (Persona con discapacidad intelectual) This refers to a person who encounters barriers in the environment due to the way they learn, understand, or communicate. These barriers hinder their ability to express themselves, participate, and interact with others. It could also imply certain limitations in their ability to live their daily life independently. In general, this is

Primer plano de un niño que ríe mientras juega con bloques de madera en una mesa.

Person with multiple disability

Person with multiple disability (Persona con discapacidad múltiple) A person who has two or more disabilities, whether physical, sensory, intellectual, or psychosocial.  For example, a person with visual impairments and who is also hard of hearing. In this case, accommodations should consider the different areas where support is necessary.  References: Comisión de Política Gubernamental en Materia de Derechos Humanos. (n.d.).

Dos niños juegan con fichas de colores en un entorno educativo.

Person with physical-motor disability

Person with physical-motor disability (Persona con discapacidad físico-motora) This refers to a person with decreased or absent motor and physical functions due to a lack of or alteration in the movement of a body part. This reduces their day-to-day ability to move autonomously. As a result of this reduced mobility, the most common barriers that they face are architectural. References:

Imagen a contraluz de la silueta de cinco personas de pie al aire libre, con un fondo de cielo gris. Dos de esas personas están juntas y las otras están a mayor distancia.

Person with psychosocial diversity

Person with psychosocial diversity (Persona con diversidad psicosocial) This refers to ‘users, ex-users and survivors of psychiatric services, people who hear voices, people who see visions or experience changes in their mood, mad people, and people with psychosocial disabilities. People who have faced the deprivation of their freedom, restraint, involuntary manipulations, torture, and even death resulting from mental treatment’ (REDESFERA,

Joven que mira a la cámara y sonríe, mientras extiende los brazos en una fuente de agua.

Person with psychosocial impairment or disability

Person with psychosocial impairment or disability (Persona con discapacidad psicosocial) This refers to a person who—with or without a diagnosis of a mental illness—has experienced discrimination and social restrictions due to the stigma associated to their behavior and emotional expressions. This can be a diverse group of people who have manifested disorders in their mood or personality, and, in the

Un hombre sentado en el banco de una plaza usa anteojos negros y gorra mientras lee con sistema braille.

Person with visual impairment or disability

Person with visual impairment or disability (Persona con discapacidad visual) This refers to a person whose vision system is altered in terms of the structures or functions associated to it (Comisión de Política Gubernamental en Materia de Derechos Humanos, p. 12). It encompasses a wide spectrum, from a complete loss to partial loss. This is the preferred use over blind

Dos mujeres en la vía pública que hablan y sonríen; una va caminando y la otra usa un triciclo.

Personal assistance

Personal assistance (Asistencia personal) This is a personalized service provided by a person to someone who is in a situation of dependence, so that they can perform every day tasks according to their specific needs. The personal assistant conducts their duties based on criteria and indications previously agreed upon in a contract. Some countries already include this as part of

Una mano sobre una placa de metal con sistema braille.

Physical accessibility

Physical accessibility (Accesibilidad física) It is the characteristic of places and facilities (buildings, transportation, housing, workplaces, schools, hospitals, squares) which people with disabilities can access and where they can move freely, without barriers. Whether they are public or private spaces, people with disabilities have a right to access all environments. This is achieved through a universal design or physical accessibility

Trece puños levantados para reflejar la diversidad multiétnica de la sociedad.


   Racism (Racismo) Racism is the discriminatory belief that a group of people have characteristics that make them superior or inferior compared to others. These characteristics are often physical, including skin colour or facial features. They can also include language or place of birth. Racism also refers to the political ideology or anthropological doctrine founded in that feeling of superiority

Ajustes razonables

Reasonable accommodation

Reasonable accommodation (Ajustes razonables) These are the necessary and adequate modifications and adjustments to guarantee people with disabilities the enjoyment or exercise, on an equal basis with others, of all human rights and fundamental freedoms. The term ‘reasonable’ means that they do not impose a disproportionate or undue burden on those who make the accommodations. In Chile, the approach has shifted

Tres mujeres con el brazo levantado y el puño cerrado. Una de ellas usa un bastón, otra está en silla de ruedas y la tercera está sentada.

Right to accessibility

Right to accessibility (Derecho a la accesibilidad) This is the right that people with disabilities have to use and understand all the goods and services around them, as well as move freely in public and private spaces. It is also the right to exercise active citizenship and to enjoy all aspects of the society to which they belong, regardless of

Una mujer y un hombre dialogando. La mujer está de espaldas y usa una silla de ruedas. El hombre está detrás de un escritorio y usa traje de vestir.


Safeguards (Salvaguardas) These measures protect and carry out the legal capacity of people with disabilities. They prevent potential conflicts of interest, abuse, and undue influence in their decision-making, and they ensure that their rights, will, and preferences are respected. Safeguards must be proportional, tailored to the person’s circumstance, and implemented in the shortest time possible. Competent, independent, and impartial authorities

Asistencia sexual

Sexual assistance

Sexual assistance (Asistencia sexual) This may be a paid or unpaid service which allows a person with disabilities to explore and enjoy their sexuality. There is no consensus about whether this should be considered another aspect of personal assistance. However, it is clear that it can contribute to the well-being of people with disabilities and their right to live a