This refers to a person whose hearing functions or ear structure are altered. This hinders their perception of sounds in the environment and oral language. The conditions for these alterations are multiple. As a result, hearing disability encompasses a wide range of diverse people, including those with complete hearing loss or those who have a hearing impairment (they have certain levels of hearing which can improve with technical aids).
There are two types of hearing disability. When it occurs before the development of language, it is known as prelingual. When language has already developed, it is known as postlingual.
Some people consider themselves as people with hearing disability, while others prefer being part of a specific linguistic community (sign language) rather than within a disability category. In any case, self-recognition is up to each person in the exercise of their autonomy.
INSOR. (n.d.). Preguntas Frecuentes.
Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad. (2019). Guía de estilo sobre discapacidad para profesionales de los medios de comunicación. Madrid: Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad. P. 64.
Photo credit: Andrey_Popov