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Una niña y un niño hacen pequeñas construcciones con palitos de madera en un bosque.


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Biomimicry (Biomímesis) This is a discipline that studies nature as a source of inspiration. It implements the lessons learnt to create designs, technologies, and innovative processes while providing sustainable solutions… Read More »Biomimicry

Ilustración del mundo con una variedad de animales y plantas a su alrededor.


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Biodiversity (Biodiversidad) Biodiversity is understood as the variety of life forms across all levels of biological organization. That is, the number and relative abundance of species, genes, and ecosystems in a… Read More »Biodiversity

Imagen aérea del peñón de Guatapé en Colombia. Hay montañas, construcciones, un curso de agua y el cielo con nubes.

Common natural assets

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Common natural assets (Bienes naturales comunes) Common natural assets or natural resources are objects that are naturally existing on earth. They are valuable to manufacture products, meet needs, and provide ecosystem services.… Read More »Common natural assets

Una ciudad con nieve en la que más de una decena de chimeneas lanzan emisiones de humo al ambiente.


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Anthropogenic (Antropogénico) Anthropogenic ‘effects, processes, objects, or materials are those that are derived from human activities, as opposed to those occurring in natural environments without human influences’ (AEMET and OECC, 2018).… Read More »Anthropogenic

Imagen satelital del planeta Tierra. Una extensa porción de bosques tiene focos de incendio.


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Anthropocene (Antropoceno) This term was coined by Paul Crutzen and Eugene Stoermer in 2000 to refer to a new geological epoche to succeed or replace the Holocene. It comes from… Read More »Anthropocene

Planta que crece entre las ranuras de una pared de ladrillo.


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Adaptation (Adaptación) According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), adaptation is ‘the process of adjustment to actual or expected climate and its effects. In human systems, adaptation seeks… Read More »Environment

Una persona de espaldas, que está sentada frente a un escritorio con dos pantallas. La persona usa un buzo con capucha y el entorno es oscuro, con cables que cuelgan del techo.


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Troll (Trol) This comes from the Norwegian word troll, which refers to a Scandinavian mythological monster. In the context of social media and digital forums, these are robots or people that… Read More »Troll

Una niña alinea ladrillos en el suelo, en una obra en construcción.

Child labour

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Child labour (Trabajo infantil) These are the jobs done by children and adolescents. They affect their physical and psychological development, prevent them from achieving their full potential, and threaten their… Read More »Child labour

Primer plano de una joven que usa un buzo con capucha y mira una computadora portátil con actitud concentrada.


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Stalker  This is someone who investigates another person through social media to find something out or have more information about someone. This can be done anonymously without the other person… Read More »Stalker