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Systemic crisis

Ilustración del planeta Tierra entre las nubes. En la parte superior, incendios, ruinas de edificios y humo negro.

Systemic crisis

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Systemic crisis (Crisis sistémica ) The term systemic crisis was coined to strengthen the connection between the different existing crisis and emphasize the idea that all spheres of life are in danger due… Read More »Systemic crisis

Figura de reloj de arena. En el compartimiento inferior, hay un gran fuego. En el compartimiento superior, el mundo se derrite a causa del calor.

Climate crisis

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Climate crisis (Crisis climática) The term climate crisis is commonly understood as an extreme situation of an imminent environmental and social catastrophe resulting from climate change with an anthropogenic origin. The term refers to a serious… Read More »Climate crisis

Ilustración del planeta Tierra. En la mitad inferior, hay una vista satelital de América del Sur y de África. En la mitad superior, hay paneles solares, aerogeneradores y fábricas sostenibles.

Sustainable growth

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Sustainable growth (Crecimiento sostenible) Sustainable growth can be understood as the type of development that combines economic expansion and environmental responsibility (United Nations Economic and Social Council, 2008). However, this… Read More »Sustainable growth

Ilustración de un planisferio sobre el pasto en tonos más oscuros de verde. Hacia un costado, el dedo de una mano presiona un interruptor de luz.

Responsible consumption

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Responsible consumption (Consumo responsable) The Spanish Committee for UNHCR defines responsible consumption as ‘the choice of products and services we consume based on criteria of quality, price, environmental impact, social… Read More »Responsible consumption

Escaleras mecánicas abarrotadas de gente.


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Consumerism (Consumismo) A social and economic behaviour related to acquiring and accumulating non-essential goods and services. It has serious environmental and social effects. This term is commonly used in civil… Read More »Consumerism

Miles de peces nadando en el mar, uno al lado del otro

Carrying capacity

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Carrying capacity (Capacidad de carga) Carrying capacity is the maximum number of individuals that a habitat can support based on its resources without having adverse effects on the population or… Read More »Carrying capacity

Ilustración que muestra un paisaje con dos realidades. A la izquierda, hay pasto, árboles y un arroyo con agua. A la derecha, el suelo árido y un sol rajante.

Global change

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Global change (Cambio global) According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), global change is ‘a generic term to describe global scale changes in systems, including the climate system, ecosystems,… Read More »Global change

Imagen partida en dos. En una mitad, está el esqueleto de un pez en la tierra seca y agrietada. En la otra mitad, el pez nada en el agua.

Climate change

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Climate change (Cambio climático) According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), ‘Climate change refers to a change in the state of the climate that can be identified (e.g., by… Read More »Climate change

Ilustración del planeta Tierra que se está derritiendo y de un termómetro al lado.

Global warming

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Global warming (Calentamiento global) According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), global warming is defined as ‘the estimated increase in global mean surface temperature (GMST) averaged over a 30-year… Read More »Global warming