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Person with disabilities

Mujer que sonríe y mira hacia el costado.

Person with disabilities

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Person with disabilities (Persona con discapacidad) This refers to a person with specific physical, sensory, cognitive, or psychosocial conditions, who encounters barriers that prevent them from fully and effectively participating… Read More »Person with disabilities

Una ilustración de una gran silla de ruedas con una persona sentada en ella y otras personas diminutas que trabajan alrededor.

Special measures

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Special measures (Medidas especiales) In some legislations, these are considered affirmative actions. This is part of the support promoting the right to equality of people with disabilities, and they can… Read More »Special measures

Dos jóvenes hacen morisquetas. Sacan la lengua hacia un costado e imitan la forma de anteojos con los dedos de la mano.


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Mad (Loca, loco) Some people who have been diagnosed with mental health issues, who have taken psychiatric medication, or who have been patients in mental health centres assert their right… Read More »Mad

Dos mujeres que se comunican con lengua de señas. Una está de espalda y la otra está de frente y sonríe.

Sign language

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Sign language (Lengua de señas) This is a communication system used by people who are deaf and those who can hear. It consists of signs using hand movements, facial expressions,… Read More »Sign language

Primer plano de un teclado, en el que una de las teclas es de color azul y muestra el icono de una persona en silla de ruedas.

Easy read

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Easy read (Lectura fácil) This method of writing and text adaptation seeks to simplify form, content, and language. It facilitates access to and the comprehension of information for people with… Read More »Easy read

Plano medio de una mujer racializada, con el rostro serio y los brazos cruzados en el pecho. De fondo, hay personas fuera de foco que sostienen carteles.


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Intersectionality (Interseccionalidad) The term was coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw, an Afro-American academic, to highlight the way in which gender, race, social class, sexual orientation, and other individual identity characteristics intersect… Read More »Intersectionality

Ilustración de un hombre diminuto que intenta detener el martillo de la justicia que sostiene una gran mano.


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Interdiction (Interdicción) This is a legal mechanism to substitute a person in their decision-making, and provide another person with the power to do so in their name. There are different… Read More »Interdiction

Icono de una persona de pie con un megáfono en la mano.


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Advocacy (Incidencia política) This is the set of actions to influence the decisions and behaviors of decision makers. The goal is to position the causes and interests of a specific… Read More »Advocacy