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Gender binarism

Primer plano de la mano de una persona que sostiene un trozo de papel. En el papel, hay tres letras: la efe, la eme y la equis con una marca de verificación al lado.

Gender binarism

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Gender binarism, binarism, genderism (Binarismo de género) Gender binarism is a social construct based on the idea that society only has two genders—feminine and masculine—which are assigned at birth. These… Read More »Gender binarism

Una pizarra con dos flechas que van de la letra A a la letra B. Una flecha es recta y la otra da muchas vueltas.

Cognitive accessibility

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Cognitive accessibility (Cognitive accessibility) It is the characteristic of things that are easy to understand (Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad, 2019, p. 92). Especially for people with intellectual disabilities, it is… Read More »Cognitive accessibility

Primer plano de las manos de una mujer con guantes y las uñas pintadas, que escribe en una computadora.

Electronic accessibility

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Electronic accessibility, e-accessibility (Accesibilidad electrónica) It is characteristic of electronic and digital content, and virtual platforms which enables people to use them without difficulties or barriers. That is, electronic accessibility… Read More »Electronic accessibility

Una mano sobre una placa de metal con sistema braille.

Physical accessibility

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Physical accessibility (Accesibilidad física) It is the characteristic of places and facilities (buildings, transportation, housing, workplaces, schools, hospitals, squares) which people with disabilities can access and where they can move… Read More »Physical accessibility

Una bandeja con seis huevos. Cinco de los huevos son blancos y tienen dibujada una expresión de fastidio o enojo. Los huevos dirigen la mirada hacia el sexto huevo, que es marrón, y tiene expresión de preocupación.


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  Tokenism (Tokenismo) This is the practice of including and engaging minority groups and collectives, but only in a symbolic and superficial way. The neologism comes from the word token,… Read More »Tokenism

Una mujer y un hombre dialogando. La mujer está de espaldas y usa una silla de ruedas. El hombre está detrás de un escritorio y usa traje de vestir.


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Safeguards (Salvaguardas) These measures protect and carry out the legal capacity of people with disabilities. They prevent potential conflicts of interest, abuse, and undue influence in their decision-making, and they… Read More »Safeguards