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Sexual and gender diversity

Primer plano de una persona que se mira al espejo mientras se pone pestañas postizas. Tiene el rostro maquillado y tatuajes en los brazos.


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Transvestite (Travesti) The word transvestite encompasses various concepts. The first meaning refers to a person who occasionally or repeatedly wears clothing associated to the opposite sex, in public or private.… Read More »Transvestite

Plano medio de Conchita Wurst. Viste un vestido con lentejuelas y lleva el cabello suelto y barba.


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Cross-dresser (Transformista) A cross-dresser uses clothing associated with the opposite sex for artistic performances. This word is usually associated with transvestite, although they are different concepts, and understanding the characteristics… Read More »Cross-dresser

Dos manos entrelazadas por el dedo pulgar contra un cielo celeste. Las manos están pintadas con el color del arcoíris.


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Transphobia (Transfobia) This is the term used to define the prejudice, discrimination, and irrational feelings, as well as negative attitudes, towards people that identify as trans. In this sense, transphobia… Read More »Transphobia

Símbolo de la transexualidad, con un puño en alto en el medio del círculo.


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Transfeminism (Transfeminismo) Transfeminism is a part of what is known as new feminisms. It expands the subjects considered within feminism to include others who are also oppressed by cisheteropatriarchy, who are not… Read More »Transfeminism

Cartel colgado en una pared con el icono de una persona dividido en dos: una mitad tiene un vestido y la otra pantalón. Debajo, se lee «seres humanos» en inglés.


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Trans  (Trans) The word trans is a broad term that encompasses multiple gender expressions and different identities such as transgender, cross-dresser, transvestite, or transsexual. It is used to refer to… Read More »Trans

Primer plano de la palma de la mano de una mujer, en señal de detención. Fuera de foco, está la mujer en un bosque.


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TERF (TERF) This acronym means trans-exclusionary radical feminist. The use of this term, which generates controversy and debates, is on the rise on social media. For some sectors, it is… Read More »TERF

Mujer con anteojos redondos y un turbante en la cabeza con los colores del arcoíris.

Queer theory

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Queer theory (Teoría queer) This is a relatively new wave within the feminist and LGBTIQ+ movement; it states that gender is constantly being constructed and evolving. It argues that gender,… Read More »Queer theory

Dos figuras de madera se abrazan y entrelazan las piernas y los brazos.


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Sexuality (Sexualidad) Sexuality is an integral part of each person and it is present throughout their life, and it is an essential part of their identity and personality. It encompasses… Read More »Sexuality