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In this reflectary, you will find key terms on sexuality, the internet and social media, youth participation, and relationships among young people.

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Un círculo de jóvenes en actitud de dialogar sobre un asunto. Una joven tiene una computadora portátil y un joven sostiene una tableta.

Active participation of children, adolescents, and young people

Active participation of children, adolescents and young people (Participación activa de niñas, niños, adolescentes y jóvenes) This refers to children and adolescents having a significant participation in different spaces and dialogue processes to freely discuss the issues that affect and interest them. For example, plans, programmes, and public policies. For the participation to be considered active, this group must, in

Dos personas sentadas en un ambiente académico. La joven mira hacia arriba y abre la mano mientras sonríe. El joven apoya los codos en el escritorio, mientras mira hacia abajo en actitud de estar pensando.


Adolescence (Adolescencia) Adolescence is the period in life between childhood and adulthood. This is a stage in human development that takes place between the ages of 10 and 19. It is characterized by rapid changes towards physical, psychological, and social maturity. This stage entails changes, including the development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics; that is, the physical characteristics that

Icono de una persona de pie con un megáfono en la mano.


Advocacy (Incidencia política) This is the set of actions to influence the decisions and behaviors of decision makers. The goal is to position the causes and interests of a specific group of people or citizens. References: Collado, H. (2015). Incidencia política: concepto, importancia y herramientas.    Photo credit: bearsky23 Have any questions? MODII can help! Send your query

Ilustración de distintas etapas del ciclo de la vida de mujeres y hombres, del nacimiento a la vejez.


Age (Edad) The number of years a person has lived. It is possible to understand a person’s stage of life based on their age. For example, the Convention on the Rights of the Child establishes that childhood goes from 0 to 18 years. The World Health Organization indicates that adolescence encompasses ages 10 to 19, and youth from 15 to 24. These conventions, however, sometimes go counter to

Una niña mira a la cámara y sonríe. Con su mano derecha, sostiene una lupa a la altura del ojo.

Best interests of the child

Best interests of the child (Interés superior de la niña y del niño) This principle is included in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This establishes that in all public and private actions, decisions or measures affecting children must be adopted considering the protection of their rights, ensuring their well-being, and their integral development first and foremost. This means

Un banano, cáscaras de banano y medio pomelo.

Biological sex

  Biological sex (Sexo biológico) Biologically defined sex is determined by a person’s reproductive system and their physiognomy. In other words, based on their genetic, hormonal, anatomic, and physiological characteristics. As such, when a person is born they can be: – Woman: with XX chromosomes and a female reproductive system. – Man: with XY chromosomes and a male reproductive system. – Intersex: with a combination of masculine and

Primer plano de un hombre con los brazos cruzados en el pecho y rostro compungido. De fondo y fuera de foco, varias personas conversan reunidas alrededor de una mesa.


Bullying  (Acoso escolar, intimidación) The term bullying encompasses all types of violent behaviour, such as threats, exclusion, aggressions, etc., of students towards their peers. This type of behaviour towards the harassed person occurs over time. Sometimes, this harassment and abuse takes place outside of the classroom. When bullying occurs in the workplace, it is known as mobbing.  In the majority

Una niña alinea ladrillos en el suelo, en una obra en construcción.

Child labour

Child labour (Trabajo infantil) These are the jobs done by children and adolescents. They affect their physical and psychological development, prevent them from achieving their full potential, and threaten their security. Child labour endangers the child performing it; it causes damages to their physical, mental, or moral well-being; and it truncates their access to education. The education-related consequence can occur

Primer plano del torso de una niña que viste un vestido blanco y se lleva las manos al vientre

Child marriage

Child marriage (Matrimonio infantil) This refers to a formal or informal union where at least one party is under the age of 18. This is considered a type of forced marriage because at least one of the parties does not have the capacity to give full, free, and informed consent. This is a harmful practice that particularly affects girls, especially in contexts

Una joven detrás de un alambrado. La joven agarra el alambre y mira hacia el costado con rostro apenado o preocupado.

Child pornography

Child pornography (Pornografía infantil) According to the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution, and Child Pornography, child pornography is ’any representation, by whatever means, of a child engaged in real or simulated explicit sexual activities or any representation of the sexual parts of a child for primarily sexual purposes’. In

Dos niñas y un niño sonríen y cruzan los brazos a la altura de la cintura.


Childhood (Niñez) Based on the text from the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), childhood is the stage in a person’s life until the age of 18, when they reach the age of majority. However, the Convention clarifies that an exception to this definition takes place when national legal stipulations establish a younger age of majority. In any case, on

Ilustración de una niña y un niño de pie. Solamente visten pantalones cortos y están mirando qué hay debajo de estos, en la zona de sus genitales.


Cisgender  (Cisgénero) The word cisgender or cis refers to people who identify with the sex or gender they were assigned at birth. The word is used within trans activism in an inclusive way to refer to non-transgender people. Cisgender people do not usually identify themselves as cisgender; this consistency in gender identity is implicit in cis-heteronormativity or cis-homonormativity. The prefix cis etymologically

Tres jóvenes levantan su brazo derecho en señal de detención, a la par que ocultan su rostro con la mano.

Commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents

Commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents (Explotación sexual comercial de niñas, niños y adolescentes) This is a type of sexual abuse where adults use children and adolescents for their own sexual exploitation, or another person’s, in exchange for an economic or in kind payment given to the victim or to another person. The terms of the economic exchange and benefit are


Comprehensive sexuality education

Comprehensive sexuality education (Educación sexual integral) Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is an educational approach to sexuality. It is a rights-based approach and it includes a gender perspective. According to recommendations from international organizations, including the World Health Organization, CSE should be taught since elementary school and continue throughout all levels of formal and informal education. It should, therefore, include age-appropriate content

Una mujer de frente a la cámara pone su dedo índice sobre el labio. Indica que hay que hacer silencio o no decir nada.


Confidentiality (Confidencialidad) In the context of health, confidentiality is associated to privacy, trust, and professional secrecy. People who access health services have a right for institutions or service providers to keep their information or data regarding their health a secret, or any other situation they share in the context of a medical consultation. Health services, especially sexual and reproductive health, should

Primer plano de píldoras anticonceptivas, un condón abierto, varios paquetes de condones y un calendario.


Contraception  (Anticoncepción) Contraception refers to the practice, methods, or devices used to prevent pregnancy when having sex. According to Planned Parenthood, ’family planning has always been widely practiced, even in societies dominated by social, political, or religious codes that require people to “be fruitful and multiply”’’ (Planned Parenthood, 2012). The World Health Organization (WHO) and other authorities on the subject use

Variedad de métodos anticonceptivos, como preservativos, píldoras anticonceptivas, dispositivos intrauterinos, anillos vaginales, entre otros.

Contraception methods

   Contraception methods (Métodos anticonceptivos ) Contraceptive methods are devices or procedures used to prevent sperm from fertilizing an egg to avoid pregnancy. There are various reasons for choosing one method over another. This includes physiological and personality traits, each person’s life conditions, the way the person lives their sexuality, and the possibilities of accessing these methods, etc.  For the World

Ilustración de un globo terráqueo sobre el que se paran niñas y niños, que sostienen diversos objetos. Entre ellos, un globo, un libro o una pelota.

Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)

Convention on the Rights of the Child, CRC (Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño, CDN) This is an international agreement that gathers the rights of people under the age of 18, in other words, children. Itwas adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1989 and entered into force in 1990. This is the most ratified convention in the world.

Primer plano de una joven con el ceño fruncido y la boca con los dientes ceñidos. Su semblante expresa incomodidad o vergüenza ajena.


Cringe  This is an event that produces vicarious embarrassment or that represents an embarrassing, shameful, uncomfortable, or unpleasant situation. For example, a person in an event or social meeting trips and falls. In this case, the person who witnesses the event says ‘cringe’ to refer to the feeling of embarrassment it caused. It is commonly used by adolescents and teenagers, and

Primer plano de una mano que sostiene un teléfono celular. El dedo pulgar está presionando un corazón en la pantalla, debajo de la fotografía de una persona.


Crush This refers to an ideal, idealized, and unattainable person, or a platonic love. This is a term used by adolescents and teenagers in conversations to refer to someone they like or they are attracted to, without the other person knowing about this attraction. They might not know each other. In other words, there is no stable relationship and the