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Systemic crisis

(Crisis sistémica )

Ilustración del planeta Tierra entre las nubes. En la parte superior, incendios, ruinas de edificios y humo negro.
The term systemic crisis was coined to strengthen the connection between the different existing crisis and emphasize the idea that all spheres of life are in danger due to the deterioration of nature, which has an anthropocentric origin. There is no agreed upon definition. However, the term is increasingly used especially in the academic sphere and in civil society organizations.

For specialists, the systemic crisis refers to a structural and profound crisis that encompasses socio-ecological crisisclimate change, the loss of biodiversity, and the depletion of common natural assets and energy resources, among others. It also has serious repercussions on all areas of human life and the nature that sustains its, which risks the very existence of human civilization.

This term questions the fact that the current social and economic model exceeds planetary boundariesand produces and reproduces social injustice. In addition, the concept also aims to go beyond a reductionist vision and argue that we are facing a systemic failure. In other words, a crisis for human civilization. It represents a failure for the model of life, for the way of existing in the world.

Escolar, N (2011 ) Crisis sistémica: Origen y alternativas para un desafío común (2ª parte).

No es una crisis climática, es una crisis sistémica.

Vilches, A. y Gil-Pérez, D. (2016) La transición a la Sostenibilidad como objetivo urgente para la superación de la crisis sistémica actual. Revista Eureka sobre Enseñanza y Divulgación de las Ciencias 13 (2), 395-407. 

Photo credit: Martina Badini

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