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Sexual abuse against children and adolescents

(Abuso sexual contra niñas, niños y adolescentes)

Primer plano de una manos pequeñas con los puños cerrados. Una mano mucho más grande toma a la persona por las muñecas con un agarre firme.

This occurs when an adult uses a child or an adolescent for their own sexual stimulation or for someone else’s.

It includes all sexual exchanges where the child or adolescent does not or cannot give their consent, regardless of whether they understand that these actions are sexual or whether they do not reject them.

The person who commits the abuse can be a stranger or someone they know; it might even be a member of the victim’s family.

An adolescent can also sexually abuse a child.

This occurs when there are significant differences in age, development, or size, or when the person takes advantage of these differences.

Most cases of abuse take place within relationships of trust, dependence, authority, or power.

Power asymmetry is established due to age, privilege (for example, people providing care for children and adolescents), or because of the difference regarding their knowledge on sexuality and rights.

On the other hand, various legislations define sexual abuse against children and adolescents as a crime; sentences are greater when the circumstances make the crime worse.

For example, in cases of carnal abuse or when the victim does not have the capacity to resist.

Today, there is an increasing number of cases of online sexual abuse against children and adolescents.

This entails types of sexual abuse facilitated by information and communication technologies, including online grooming and sexual abuse that is later shared repeatedly online through images or videos.

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