MODII is a registered trademark of IWORDS Global. In addition to free linguistic resources to communicate equally, it offers you these services. Check them out and dare to promote social change through clearer and more inclusive communication in your company or organization.
MODII uses the power of words to contribute to a more inclusive and equitable world. For this reason, it is committed to effective and empathic communication. It offers you specialized communication services so that you can reach a wider audience.
Contact MODII for more information.
Non-sexist language
MODII accompanies your organization or company in the use of a more inclusive language. How?
MODII strengthens staff capabilities. Your team will be able to quickly implement non-sexist language strategies. You can choose between some normative and other more disruptive strategies. In any case, they will always be creative and simple.

Webinars and workshops
In these spaces, theory and practice converge harmoniously. The audience easily learns to implement inclusive language because:
- Useful and simple tools to apply on a day-to-day basis are used.
- Examples and cases adapted to each corporate context are worked on.

Review and editing of documents
MODII reviews and edits your internal documents and also those you share with the public to ensure they are written in clear and inclusive language.
Promised: The audience will love it.

MODII accompanies the staff of your organization or company to create content using non-sexist language.
It offers packages of three, six or twelve months. Each of them is tailored to your specific needs.
Write a message here to find out what each package includes and expand your audiences by naming accurately and respectfully.
Inclusive, respectful
and empathic communication
MODII accompanies your organization or company in the development of messages and narratives that are more respectful of people and the planet. How?
MODII strengthens staff capabilities. Your team will be able to apply the resources of inclusive communication to make visible and celebrate human diversity
We help you communicate with empathy and from a rights approach these issues and many others: disability, sexual and gender diversity, gender equality, youths, environment, migration, indigenous and tribal peoples, sexual and reproductive health.
Your audience will feel represented in each message and you will reach many more people.

Webinars and workshops
In these spaces, you learn to implement inclusive communication tools to tell stories about people and for people, but also with people.
With MODII, you will activate social change through language!

Revision and edition of communicative pieces
MODII reviews and improves texts and other pieces of internal communication and also those you share with the public. This service will allow your communications to represent people and the planet with respect and empathy, and from a rights-based approach. Your texts and your audiovisual material will be accessible and will use clear and inclusive language.

MODII accompanies the staff of your organization or company to create respectful and empathetic content through an inclusive communication approach.
Write a message here to know more. Expand your audiences by naming accurately and respectfully
Preparation of
specialized content
MODII supports you in the creation of reports, web content and corporate communications with a focus on rights. No one will be left behind.

Progress reports
Through a careful and balanced synergy of text and design, MODII makes visible the most significant corporate achievements and the most relevant challenges. Highlight learnings, best practices and much more. MODII also works with each protagonist to tell the story in their own voice.

Web content
MODII uses clear language techniques and, of course, inclusive communication so that the content of your website is fascinating and engages all the senses.
In addition, it implements tools that facilitate accessibility, such as videos in sign language, image descriptions, and digital applications.
Your audience won’t be able to stop reading, listening and watching.

Corporate communications
MODII develops bold, inclusive communications from a rights-based approach. Your message will arouse interest and action in whoever reads it.
More services
Does your organization or company create products and services that serve everyone? Communicate it!
Inclusive design services remove barriers to access to information. They open communication channels so that all people feel reflected and participate actively.

Inclusive design
From visual design to web design, MODII thinks of all the details: content, accessibility and aesthetics.
Each communicative piece will awaken all the senses of your audience.