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Forced pregnancy

Perfil de una mujer embarazada que está sentada. La mujer se tapa el rostro con las manos e inclina la cabeza hacia abajo.

Forced pregnancy

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Forced pregnancy (Embarazo forzado) In the Rome Statute, forced pregnancy is defined as the ‘unlawful confinement of a woman forcibly made pregnant, with the intent of affecting the ethnic composition of any… Read More »Forced pregnancy

Foto de perfil del torso de una adolescente embarazada.

Teenage pregnancy

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Teenage pregnancy (Embarazo en la adolescencia) According to the World Health Organization, teenage pregnancy occurs during puberty or adolescence, that is, between the ages of 10 and 19. More than 10%… Read More »Teenage pregnancy

Primer plano de una joven que sonríe. Está parada al lado de un pequeño esqueleto del cuerpo humano.

Health education

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  Health education (Educación para la salud) Es una estrategia de salud pública que promueve aprendizajes individuales y colectivos sobre los determinantes de la salud y el análisis críticoThis is… Read More »Health education

Una joven afrolatina le explica algo en un papel a un niño afrolatino que está sentado sobre escaleras de concreto. Usan uniformes escolares.

Intercultural education

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Intercultural education (Educación intercultural) Especially since the 1970s and 1980s, intercultural education has been one of the most significant fights of indigenous and tribal peoples in the American continent. Their claim… Read More »Intercultural education

Ilustración de distintas etapas del ciclo de la vida de mujeres y hombres, del nacimiento a la vejez.


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Age (Edad) The number of years a person has lived. It is possible to understand a person’s stage of life based on their age. For example, the Convention on the Rights… Read More »Age

Primer plano de una mano que sostiene un teléfono celular. El dedo pulgar está presionando un corazón en la pantalla, debajo de la fotografía de una persona.


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Crush This refers to an ideal, idealized, and unattainable person, or a platonic love. This is a term used by adolescents and teenagers in conversations to refer to someone they… Read More »Crush

Primer plano de una joven con el ceño fruncido y la boca con los dientes ceñidos. Su semblante expresa incomodidad o vergüenza ajena.


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Cringe  This is an event that produces vicarious embarrassment or that represents an embarrassing, shameful, uncomfortable, or unpleasant situation. For example, a person in an event or social meeting trips and… Read More »Cringe