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Gender equality

In this reflectary, you will find key terms on feminisms, violence against women, and everyday manifestations of sexism.

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Ilustración de un hombre sentado entre dos mujeres en el transporte público. El hombre mira un teléfono y tiene las piernas tan abiertas de modo que invade el espacio de las mujeres. Las mujeres lo miran con cara de enojo y fastidio.


Manspreading  La palabra manspreading proviene del inglés y se puede traducir al español como despatarre masculino. This some men’s practice of sitting with their legs wide open, especially in public transportation and public spaces, and taking up more room than they are entitled to. With this, they invade someone else’s space and assert their control over it.  In recent years,

Ilustración de una mujer de frente con el cabello suelto. A su lado, está la sombra de un hombre con el dedo índice sobre los labios, en señal de hacer silencio.


Manterrupting  La palabra manterrupting proviene del inglés y se puede traducir al español como machoexplicación (de la combinación de macho y explicación). This refers to the male practice of needlessly and repeatedly interrupting a woman. Photo credit:Nubefy Have any questions? MODII can help! Send your query

Ilustración de tres siluetas del cuerpo masculino.


Masculinity (Masculinidad) This refers to the way society expects boys and men to behave based on the meaning of being a man that has socially been accepted. This is a social, political, and historical construction; as a result, masculinity differs depending on the place and throughout time.  In a patriarchal and heteronormative system, masculinity is associated, among other things, to bravery,

Figura en miniatura de una mujer que camina de espalda. Alrededor de ella, hay un gran lazo de una soga en el suelo.


Micro-male-chauvinism (Micromachismos) This refers to the daily behaviours and gestures of male chauvinism that we encounter on a day-to-day basis. They may seem harmless, but they demonstrate gender inequality and strengthen it. Manspreading and mansplaining are two clear examples of micro-male-chauvinism.  As the term has become popular, many people—especially women—have been able to identify and name daily situations where they

Primer plano de una mujer afro con los brazos cruzados en el pecho y el rostro serio. De fondo y fuera de foco, varias personas sostienen carteles.


Misogynoir  This term was coined by Moya Bailey , a US academic, to name the specific misogyny that black women face, where racism and sexism interweave. Photo credit: Drazen Zigic Have any questions? MODII can help! Send your query

Ilustración del perfil de un hombre y una mujer que se están mirando de frente. En la sombra de la pared, la mujer tiene un tamaño minúsculo y está parada sobre el pulgar de una mano. El dedo índice está por golpearla para que salga volando.


Misogyny (Misoginia ) Misogyny is the maximum expression of male chauvinism. It is characterized by hate, dislike, and contempt towards women and girls. It is directly related to gender-based violence against women and femicide. Photo credit:Nubefy Have any questions? MODII can help! Send your query

Imagen tomada desde el fondo de un aula. Hay niñas y niños de espaldas, que levantan la mano para responder a lo que pregunta la persona a cargo de la clase, que se ve fuera de foco.

Non-sexist education

Non-sexist education (Educación no sexista) This educational approach promotes gender equality and non-discrimination. It recognizes that gender-based discrimination can be learned and unlearned at school and in other spaces. As such, it promotes an educational environment that equally values women and men. It also avoids imposing roles and social mandates that are traditionally assigned based on a person’s sex, and

Estatua de la Justicia. Sostiene una balanza y tiene los ojos vendados.

Patriarchal justice

Patriarchal justice (Justicia patriarcal) This is the term used by feminisms to refer to the fact that gender inequality and male chauvinism are institutionalized through the legal systems. Feminisms believe that justice is a clear example of a patriarchal society and, thus, is made by and for white, healthy, heterosexual, cisgender, middle or upper class, non-migrant men without any functional diversity.

Pasillo interior de una prisión. Se ven las rejas que dividen las celdas.

Prison feminism

Prison feminism (Feminismo carcelario) In Mikki Kendall’s book Hood Feminism, it is defined as the ‘reliance on policing, prosecution, and imprisonment to resolve gendered or sexual violence’. According to the author, prison feminism centres on a culture of compensation that does not prevent and, instead, ignores and justifies the atrocities of the prison system, such as torture, slavery, or rape.

Primer plano de una billetera sobre una mesita de noche. De fondo, fuera de foco, unas piernas de mujer con tacones altos sobre la cama.


Prostitution (Prostitución ) Prostitution is sex work, which consists of the exploitation by a third party that demands or imposes the conditions in which the person is forced to ‘work’. Although some collectives that defend sex work revindicate the use of the word prostitution, in general the term is sex work. The difference between the two concepts is the aspect of


Purple glasses

Purple glasses (Gafas violetas) This metaphor is used by author Gemma Lienas in her book Carlota’s Violet Diary. It consists of looking at the world critically using a gender perspective to identify the inequalities between men and women. The phrase gained popularity in the media and among feminist collectives after the publication of the book in 2001. In the book,

Mujer con anteojos redondos y un turbante en la cabeza con los colores del arcoíris.

Queer theory

Queer theory (Teoría queer) This is a relatively new wave within the feminist and LGBTIQ+ movement; it states that gender is constantly being constructed and evolving. It argues that gender, sexual identity, and sexual orientation are not biological aspects but, as stated by Judith Butler, they are a social construction. Queer theory stands against the norms that establish gender identities

Ilustración de perfil del rostro de mujeres de diversos orígenes étnicos.

Racialized people

Racialized people (Personas racializadas ) Society assigns certain people with a racial category that subjects them to oppressive or discriminatory treatment—especially from formal institutions—through systematic and institutionalized racism: this is what we mean by racialized people. The term looks to highlight that race is a social construction imposed by dominant groups on oppressed groups. The term has become popular in Spain

Trece puños levantados para reflejar la diversidad multiétnica de la sociedad.


   Racism (Racismo) Racism is the discriminatory belief that a group of people have characteristics that make them superior or inferior compared to others. These characteristics are often physical, including skin colour or facial features. They can also include language or place of birth. Racism also refers to the political ideology or anthropological doctrine founded in that feeling of superiority

Una pared rota, que en una parte está pintada y en la otra tiene ladrillos. Sobre uno de los costados, un grafiti dice «Lo personal es político» en inglés.

Radical feminism

Radical feminism (Feminismo radical) Radical feminism was one of the waves of feminism that emerged in the 1960s. It is called radical because it is inspired in Marxism and proposes fighting the roots of oppression against women, not because it is an extreme feminism. It emerged as an opposition to liberal feminism, which describes women’s situation as an inequality. In

Escultura en mármol denominada el Rapto de las Sabinas. Un hombre sostiene el cuerpo desnudo de una mujer con su brazo izquierdo. La mujer tiene los brazos extendidos y su rostro trasmite desesperación.

Rape culture

Rape culture Cultura de la violación This expression was first used in the 1970s in the US by second wave feminism to highlight the prevalence of sexual violence and its normalization in US society. Rape culture is a clear manifestation of patriarchy and misogyny, which permeates societies as the maximum justification of sexual violence. It is a set of social practices that

Ilustración de una variedad de métodos anticonceptivos y elementos relacionados con la salud sexual y reproductiva.

Reproductive rights

Reproductive rights (Derechos reproductivos) This refers to the rights that every person has regarding the following: To decide whether they want children or not, when, and spacing between pregnancies. To have the information and necessary means to do so. To control their reproductive capacity through the use of contraceptive methods. To enjoy the highest standard of sexual and reproductive health. This

Ilustración de un brazo extendido hacia arriba con cuya mano sostiene una balanza con los péndulos en equilibrio.

Right to choose

Right to choose (Derecho a decidir) The term right to choose originates in women’s right to decide on their sexuality and their reproductive capacity. It is attributed to Beverly Wildung Harrison, a Presbyterian theologian and ethics specialists. In 1983, she wrote the book Our Right to Choose in Boston, it was during one of the most decisive moments of the abortion debate

Primer plano de los adoquines de una calle en la ciudad. Es de noche, el suelo está mojado y se ve el reflejo de las luces rojas de unos carteles.

Sex work

Sex work (Trabajo sexual) According to collectives that assert the rights of sex workers, sex work is the provision of a sexual service in exchange for money. In this understanding, all parties involved do this as a personal decision and with consent. Sex workers who voluntarily identify as such are mainly women of legal age, who have decided to work

Ilustración de dos piernas gigantes al lado de una mujer minúscula, que llega a la altura de las rodillas.


Sexismo  (Sexism) Sexism is a type of discrimination based on people’s biological sex or their gender . It also refers to the prejudice and the stereotypes that women or men encounter as a result of the conditions attributed to each sex. In general, sexism affects women. References: Photo credit: Nadia Snopek Have any questions? MODII can help! Send your query