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Disabled feminism


Plano desde arriba de una mujer que está por levantar una barra con pesas. La mujer usa una prótesis en una pierna.

The word in Spanish (discafeminismo) was coined by Cristina González, and its use has spread especially among organizations and groups of women with disabilities. The idea is to highlight the double discrimination that women with disabilities face.

According to González, ‘when someone faces various discriminations, these are not added up, instead they multiply and strengthen.’ Women with disabilities encounter even more oppression and often experience being in a position of greater submission. One reason is because since they are young girls others make decisions for them or because they do not fit the beauty standards established by society.

The plural version of this concept is also used to reflect the diversity of approaches and the heterogeneity of the members of this social movement.


Gonzalez Moya, Cristina, “El escalón de cristal: discafeminismo: claves para comprender la discriminación múltiple”, Granada: Dauro, 2010.

Photo credit: Dean Drobot

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