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Adolescente frente a una computadora portátil se cubre el rostro con ambas manos.

Cyberbullying or cyberharassment is the act of intimidating someone or a group through virtual media. This occurs when the bully posts or shares the victim’s confidential information, as well as negative, cruel, aggressive, and—often—false content. The bully can pose as another person and send hurtful messages in their name.

Cyberbullying takes place in instant messaging, social media, online forums or chats, email, and gaming communities, among others. The intention is to harm, humiliate, scare, or shame the harassed person.

This type of violence disproportionately and specifically affects adolescents and teenagers. And within this population, women. For example, a sexist cyberbully looks to intimidate a person because of their sex.

Another term to refer to this is online bullying.

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