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Icono igualdad de género

Collective naming-and-shaming


Icono de una persona con seis manos alrededor que la apuntan con el dedo índice.

This refers to the action of publicly calling out people who committed a crime or injustice. 

Often, in cases of sexual violence, it becomes clear that the legal system recognizes that the accused is guilty when the victim is the “perfect victim”. In other words, when she fits the stereotypes established by society regarding women: submissive, caste, and obedient.

As a result, many victims who do not obtain justice through the legal system turn to public complaints. Today, for example, they use social media. By making their stories public, many of them take back control over their experiences.

Collective naming-and-shaming is an act of justice—sometimes even vengeance—which is often recognized as the victim’s only alternative to reclaim their agency.

Photo credit: Uswa KDT

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