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Un nido de aves con cuatro huevos adentro.


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Vulnerability (Vulnerabilidad) The Oxford Dictionary defines vulnerability as ‘the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally’. A vulnerable person… Read More »Vulnerability

ilustración en formato vertical con figuras como bicicletas, paneles solares, árboles y casas que aparecen en diferentes niveles. Los niveles están divididos por un cable. En el plano superior, una fábrica.

Ecological transition

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Ecological transition (Transición ecológica) The word ecological transition refers to a process of ecological and social transformation that is necessary to address global change and the climate crisis. It entails a paradigm shift with significant… Read More »Ecological transition

Un campo en el que el fuego ha quemado la mitad del terreno.


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Superfires (Superincendios) The word superfires is a new concept that emerged from environmentalist organizations to refer to a new type of massive forest fires. They occur in the context of climate change, desertification,… Read More »Superfires

Ilustración que muestra a una variedad de personas haciendo distintas actividades. Entre ellas, reciclar, plantar o sostener un panel solar, una gran bombilla de luz o un globo terráqueo enorme. En el fondo, hay aerogeneradores.


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Sustainability (Sostenibilidad) According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), sustainability is a dynamic process that equitably ensures the persistence of natural and human systems (IPCC, 2014). Sustainability is often used… Read More »Sustainability

Brotes que crecen de un árbol en un bosque que se había incendiado.


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Resilience (Resiliencia) The United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) understands resilience as ‘the ability of a system, community or society exposed to hazards to resist, absorb, accommodate to and recover… Read More »Resilience

Tres cubos de residuos con bolsas distintas. En segundo plano, una persona arroja una botella de plástico en uno de ellos.


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Waste (Residuo) According to the European Parliament, waste means ‘any substance or object which the holder discards or intends or is required to discard’ (Directive 2008/98/EC). Este término se usa… Read More »Waste

Un líder espiritual indígena junto con otras personas hace una ofrenda a la Pachamama de rodillas en el suelo.


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Pachamama  (Pachamama) Pachamama or Pacha mama comes from the quechua language. Pacha means ‘world’ and mama means ‘mother’, and can therefore be translated as Mother Earth. It represents the Goddess that exists in all elements of nature.… Read More »Pachamama

Una carretera con tres carriles. Por dos carriles circulan vehículos y por uno circulan ciclistas.


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Mitigation (Mitigación) According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), mitigation of climate change refers to a ‘human intervention to reduce the sources or enhance the sinks of greenhouse gases’. It refers… Read More »Mitigation