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(Acoso escolar, intimidación)

Primer plano de un hombre con los brazos cruzados en el pecho y rostro compungido. De fondo y fuera de foco, varias personas conversan reunidas alrededor de una mesa.

The term bullying encompasses all types of violent behaviour, such as threats, exclusion, aggressions, etc., of students towards their peers. This type of behaviour towards the harassed person occurs over time. Sometimes, this harassment and abuse takes place outside of the classroom. When bullying occurs in the workplace, it is known as mobbing

In the majority of cases, victims of bullying are treated with contempt because of certain physical or psychological characteristics that the harasser perceives as undesirable. Sometimes, this harassment also occurs because a person is part of a minority collective. In many societies, people who are part of the LGBTIQ+ collective are more susceptible to this type of discrimination. The pressure faced by people who endure harassment can lead to mental illnesses, such as anxiety or depression.

UNESCO and Amnesty International, among other organizations, have stressed the need to educate society on gender diversity—and diversity in general—because every person is unique and has unique characteristics. 

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