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Icono igualdad de género

Bechdel test

(Test de Bechdel)

Dibujo de Virginia Woolf. Tiene el semblante serio y el cabello recogido en un rodete.

This test, also known as the Bechdel-Wallace Test, evaluates the gender gap in movies, comics, theatre, etc. También se conoce como Test de Bechdel/Wallace.

It was inspired by the comic strip Dykes to Watch Out For , created by the cartoonist Alison Bechdel. In the 1985 comic strip, one of the female characters states that she only sees movies that meet three simple requirements: 

  1. The movie has to have at least two women in it.
  2. These women must talk to each other. 
  3. They must talk about something other than a man.

According to Bechdel, the test was inspired in Virginia Woolf’s essay, A Room of One’s Own, in which the author criticizes the fact that the majority of fiction literature contains female characters who only exist in relation to their connection with a male character.

Photo credit: Natata

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