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According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), mitigation of climate change refers to a ‘human intervention to reduce the sources or enhance the sinks of greenhouse gases’.

It refers to human actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in relation to climate change. It implies technological challenges and large-scale government investment. As a result, the responsibility for mitigation falls largely in the hands of governments and national and international authorities. It requires innovation and efforts to find solutions based on nature to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Experts on the subject propose that mitigation include more than the measures to reduce emissions. They suggest including other reparation measures to address the loss and damages resulting from the effects of climate change.

The term mitigation, however, does not refer to a solution to climate change, nor should it be treated as such. Mitigation, as well as adaptation, are palliative measures that alleviate the consequences of the problem. They imply actions that take place after climate change and that aim to reduce its effects.

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