This is not synonymous with the right to the environment as this is a human right. n the right to the environment, people are the subjects of rights. In the rights of nature, nature is the subject of rights.
Article 71 of the Constitution of Ecuador states, ‘Nature or Pachamama, where life is reproduced and exists, has the right to exist, persist, maintain, and regenerate its vital cycles, structure, functions, and its processes in evolution. Any person, community, peoples, or nationality will be able to demand the recognition of the rights of nature before public organisms.’ It also includes the right to the restoration of nature and the State assumes a development regime that is ecologically balanced, free from pollution and in harmony with nature, that conserves biodiversity, and the ability for natural regeneration of ecosystems within the biophysical limits, and preserves ancestral knowledge associated to nature.
Bolivia does not have a constitutional declaration that considers nature as a subject of rights (Campaña, 2013). However, experts agree that the State has given Mother Earth the characteristic of collective subject of public interest by approving the Law on the Rights of Mother Earth (#71). This law recognizes the rights of Mother Earth and the obligations and duties of the Plurinational State and society in ensuring the respect for these rights.
MARTÍNEZ, Esperanza y Acosta, Alberto. Los Derechos de la Naturaleza como puerta de entrada a otro mundo posible, publicado en la Revista Direito & Praxis, Río de Janeiro, Vol. 08, N. 4, 2017, p. 2927-2961.
Campaña, F. S. (2013). Derechos de la naturaleza: ¿innovación trascendental, retórica jurídica o proyecto político. Iuris Dictio.
GREGOR BARIE, Cletus. Nuevas narrativas constitucionales en Bolivia y Ecuador: el buen vivir y los derechos de la naturaleza. América Latina. 2014, n.59, pp.9-40. ISSN 2448-6914.
Constitución de Ecuador
Zaffaroni, Eugenio Raúl, La pachamama y el humano / Eugenio Raúl Zaffaroni – 1a ed. – Buenos Aires: Colihue; Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Ediciones Madres de Plaza de Mayo, 2011.
Photo credit: lovelyday12