This is any action through digital media with the goal of hurting our causing suffering. In general, it happens through instant messaging, social media, online forums or chats, email, or gaming communities. Cyber violence takes on many forms, including cyberbullying, cyberstalking, grooming, or sexual extortion.
This situation disproportionately, and specifically, affects adolescents and young people, especially women. In addition to these, there are forms of cyber violence that affect them in particular. For example, unconsented or unsolicited porn, insults, gender-based harassment, rape or death threats, human trafficking facilitated by electronic media.
Although this phenomenon is on the rise, the legal frameworks on cyber violence differ depending on the country. One of the pending issues is making it a crime and criminalizing it.
This situation disproportionately, and specifically, affects adolescents and young people, especially women. In addition to these, there are forms of cyber violence that affect them in particular. For example, unconsented or unsolicited porn, insults, gender-based harassment, rape or death threats, human trafficking facilitated by electronic media.
Although this phenomenon is on the rise, the legal frameworks on cyber violence differ depending on the country. One of the pending issues is making it a crime and criminalizing it.
Glosario sobre no violencia, paz y buen trato. UNICEF Comité Español. UNICEF.
Glosario de Términos. Adaptado del informe: La ciber violencia contra mujeres y niñas. European Institute for Gender Equality, 2017. Euskadi.
Instituto Europeo de la Igualdad de Género- EIGE. La ciberviolencia contra mujeres y niñas. 2017. EIGE. Retrieved 7 July 2020.
Instituto Europeo para la Igualdad de Género. Artículo: Cyberviolence is a growing threat, especially for women and girls. Consultado el 6/10/2020.
Photo credit: asiandelight