About us
To be the linguistic tool par excellence for people who are committed to using communication based on equality, inclusion, and non-discrimination.
To be an essential tool for inclusive communication. To promote equality, inspire cultural changes, and achieve social transformations through language.
Our team
Marcela Rueda
Strategic Advisor and IWORDS Global (she/her)
Mónica Ropaín
Director (she/her)
Soledad Bellido
Content Writer and Reviewer (she/her)
Andrea Gómez
Virtual Community Manager (sher/her)
Our history
MODII was created as an IWORDS Global project. It addresses the need to use language as a tool for social change. IWORDS Global is a social entrepreneurship with experience in human rights, development, and sustainability. Since our foundation, the Language Services Department has specialized in providing quality services, using an inclusive and respectful approach.
With this understanding of the power of language, our goal is to give visibility to fundamental issues regarding sustainable development, and to people and groups who have traditionally been marginalized.
The creation of MODII was possible thanks to an extensive consultation process with experts in each subject matter who were able to explain the concepts from their own perspectives and assertions.
After this research phase—which included the participation of over 550 people from Spain, Latin America, and the Caribbean—we developed the free language resources that you can access on MODII. We are very excited to share them and hope they are useful to those who create written content. Thank you for being a part of the change.
Sexual and reproductive health
Ariela Schnitman
Fernado Ruiz
Sexual and gender diversity
Lorena Hillón
Marcello Abate
Indigenous and tribal peoples
María Adela Blas
Translation Quality Assurance