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Person with psychosocial impairment or disability

(Persona con discapacidad psicosocial)

Joven que mira a la cámara y sonríe, mientras extiende los brazos en una fuente de agua.

This refers to a person who—with or without a diagnosis of a mental illness—has experienced discrimination and social restrictions due to the stigma associated to their behavior and emotional expressions. This can be a diverse group of people who have manifested disorders in their mood or personality, and, in the absence of appropriate accommodations and support, they have experienced a significant deterioration in their social and work environment, or in other significant areas of their life (Fábregas and others, 2018).

‘Although there might be predispositions (according to theory), environmental factors can have a determining effect on the onset of mental disorders.’ As a result, situations of extreme vulnerability, emergency, and crisis—such as conflicts, natural disasters, or pandemics—can trigger mental health issues.

However, these are but another event in people’s lives. It is important to establish an approach that centers on each person’s individual needs and to underscore that these characteristics do not define them. We must leave diagnoses and labels aside, and start focusing our attention and efforts on people’s multiple abilities (Fábregas and others, 2018, pp. 48, 52).


Fábregas, M., Tafur, A., Guillén, A., Bolaños, L., Méndez, J., & Fernández de Sevilla. (2018). Fábregas, M., Tafur, A., Guillén, A., Bolaños, L., Méndez, J., & Fernández de Sevilla. Madrid: Confederación SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA.

Photo credit: Andres Virviescas

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