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Person with autism

(Persona con autismo)

Un niño de espaldas a la cámara toca su sombra en una pared.

This refers to a person with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The clinical manifestations of ASD vary which is why we talk about a range or spectrum.

To refer to these individuals, MODII suggests using person with autism, person who has autism, or autistic person. A general term to refer to this population within human neurodiversity is neurodivergent persons.

It is important not to treat this condition as an illness that needs to be cured, which is why we need to avoid expressions such as person who suffers from or is afflicted with autism.

Not every person with autism has a disability, although some do have an intellectual disability. The main barriers they encounter are communicational and attitudinal. It is sometimes referred to as an invisible disability because there are no differentiating features in the physical appearance of a person with autism. It is also considered a developmental disability because it manifests during the first stage of growth, infancy.



Rey González, A., & García Blas, B. (2018). Manual de Estilo. Cómo abordar el Trastorno del Espectro del Autismo desde los medios de comunicación. Confederación Autismo España. P. 17.

Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad. (2019). Guía de estilo sobre discapacidad para profesionales de los medios de comunicación. Madrid: Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad.

Plena Inclusión. (23 June 2017) Posicionamiento de Plena inclusión sobre Terminología. 

Photo credit: EvgeniiAnd

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