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Icono Discapacidad

Peer support 

(Apoyo entre pares)

Cuatro personas con discapacidad reunidas alrededor de una mesa redonda, con actitud distendida.

These are collective spaces where people with disabilities help, train, and strengthen each other. In these spaces, people recognize that they are the experts on the experience of disability, the barriers that they encounter in different areas, and the empowerment mechanisms that they have developed to exercise their citizenship.

In this sense, peer support strengthens autonomy and recognizes people’s ability to self-manage, exchange experiences, and learn collectively. For example, Mutual Support Groups. These are spaces where members share the same issue, challenges, or experience, and they meet regularly to provide each other with mutual support among peers voluntarily.


Comité Pro Salud Mental en Primera Persona. (n.d.). Diversamente. Retrieved from Empodérate

Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad. (2019). Guía de estilo sobre discapacidad para profesionales de los medios de comunicación. Madrid: Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad. P. 97.

Photo credit: Disabled and here

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