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Icono Diversidad sexual y de género



Ilustración de una diversidad de personas agrupadas, como si estuviesen sobre gradas. Varias de ellas sostienen la bandera del arcoíris.

This acronym refers to lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transsexuals, intersex, queer, and all the multiple expressions of sexual diversity, and gender identity and expression (included with the symbol +).

The acronym has changed over time because not all expressions and types of diversity are included, which has led to fights for recognition and visibility. Initially, the acronym was LGBT, but it has been expanded to include intersex people (LGBTI), different types of transsexuality (LGBTTTI: the three ‘Ts’ indicate transsexual, transgender, and transvestite), and queer people (LGBTIQ: in this case, the ‘T’ is an umbrella term to include diverse types of transexuality). 

The most recent version includes asexual, pansexual, and polysexual/polyamorous people, as well as the heterogeneity of non-binary sex-gender types of the indigenous peoples of the American continent (not just North American), included as two spirits (2S). As a result, many organizations use LGBTTTIAPP2S.

Evidently, the use of this acronym is complex and generates debate within the social movement working in these fields. During the consultations carried out for this Reflectary, there was an evident openness to recognize the multiple forms of sexual diversity (orientation and intensity) and gender expression and identity. There was also a recognition of the stance of the LGBT acronym outside of the sector. Consequently, its use in dialogue and awareness-raising spaces is pivotal. Although there is no clear indication as to which acronym to use, the inclusive communication survey revealed that 53% of the 83 participants prioritized LGBTIQ+ as the most appropriate option, followed by LGBTI with 24%. The acronyms with the least approval were LGBTTTQIAPP2S with 5% and LGBTTTI with 4%.

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