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Dos niñas y un niño sonríen y cruzan los brazos a la altura de la cintura.

Based on the text from the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), childhood is the stage in a person’s life until the age of 18, when they reach the age of majority. However, the Convention clarifies that an exception to this definition takes place when national legal stipulations establish a younger age of majority.

In any case, on various occasions the Convention on the Rights of the Child has recommended that States expand the application of the CRC to all minors, without exception.

On the other hand, childhood consists of various stages including adolescence. Although there is no definition in international law, the people that participated in the consultation for the creation of this reflectary in Spanish emphasized the importance of visibilizing this population as well. This contributes to understanding the specific needs and rights that must be protected and ensured in this period of life.

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