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Una persona de espaldas, que está sentada frente a un escritorio con dos pantallas. La persona usa un buzo con capucha y el entorno es oscuro, con cables que cuelgan del techo.


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Troll (Trol) This comes from the Norwegian word troll, which refers to a Scandinavian mythological monster. In the context of social media and digital forums, these are robots or people that… Read More »Troll

Una niña alinea ladrillos en el suelo, en una obra en construcción.

Child labour

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Child labour (Trabajo infantil) These are the jobs done by children and adolescents. They affect their physical and psychological development, prevent them from achieving their full potential, and threaten their… Read More »Child labour

Primer plano de una joven que usa un buzo con capucha y mira una computadora portátil con actitud concentrada.


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Stalker  This is someone who investigates another person through social media to find something out or have more information about someone. This can be done anonymously without the other person… Read More »Stalker

Primer plano de una mano que sostiene un teléfono celular, rodeada de cuatro burbujas de mensajes de texto.


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Sexting  This is the practice of using digital technology to create and share sexually explicit content, particularly intimate images and videos. People who sext use social media, instant messaging, forums, or email.… Read More »Sexting

Primer plano de un estetoscopio y dos paquetes de condones.

Sexual health

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    Sexual health (Salud sexual) This is a state of physical, mental, and social well-being in relation to all aspects of sexuality. This is not solely about the absence of diseases,… Read More »Sexual health

Una joven sonríe y mira a la cámara. En una mano sostiene un calendario y en la otra mano tiene un blíster de pastillas anticonceptivas.

Reproductive health

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Reproductive health (Salud reproductiva) For the World Health Organization, reproductive health is the state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. It addresses reproduction mechanisms and the functioning of the… Read More »Reproductive health

Primer plano de un dado insertado en el soporte giratorio de un globo terráqueo.


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Random  An increasing number of people use the term, especially young people, in informal contexts and oral language as a synonym of something that is not pre-established, that is open, varies,… Read More »Random

Primer plano de la mano extendida y abierta de una joven, en señal de detención. La joven está en segundo plano y su rostro se ve difuso.

Harmful practices

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Harmful practices (Prácticas nocivas) These are practices and types of behaviours that continue in time and cause harm or physical and psychological suffering to children and adolescents. They are associated… Read More »Harmful practices

Una joven detrás de un alambrado. La joven agarra el alambre y mira hacia el costado con rostro apenado o preocupado.

Child pornography

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Child pornography (Pornografía infantil) According to the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution, and Child Pornography, child pornography is ’any… Read More »Child pornography