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Environment (Medio ambiente, ambiente) This concept refers to the set of interconnected natural elements that affect the development and activities of living beings. The UN Conference on the Human Environment,… Read More »Environment

Una mano gira una llave mariposa introducida en una ilustración del planeta Tierra.

Planetary boundaries

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Planetary boundaries (Límites planetarios) Planetary boundaries includes a series of measurable parameters and it ‘defines a safe operating space for humanity based on the intrinsic biophysical processes that regulate the stability… Read More »Planetary boundaries

Dos niñas sostienen carteles en una manifestación en Río de Janeiro. Piden que se salve al Amazonas. De fondo, hay más personas agrupadas.

Ecological justice

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Ecological justice (Justicia ecológica) The concept refers to the social demands of the environmental movement and the environmentalist organizations to recognize the ecological crisis, for humans to assume their responsibility,… Read More »Ecological justice

Dos mujeres sostienen carteles en una manifestación. Los carteles están escritos en inglés y en ellos se pide que cambie el sistema y que no haya cambio climático.

Climate justice

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Climate justice (Justicia climática) The concept refers to the social demands of the climate movement and the young environmentalist organizations to recognize that the climate crisis generates and accentuates inequalities between territories… Read More »Climate justice

Primer plano de una mano que intenta recolectar agua del grifo de una fuente de piedra.

Water footprint

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Water footprint (Huella hídrica) The water footprint measures the total volume of fresh water needed to produce the goods and services that a person, company, or country consumes. The importance… Read More »Water footprint

Doce huellas dactilares con el símbolo del dióxido de carbono (CO2).

Carbon footprint

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Carbon footprint (Huella de carbono) “The carbon footprint is a measure of the exclusive total amount of carbon dioxide emissions that is directly and indirectly caused by an activity or… Read More »Carbon footprint

La huella de un pie humano con colores que representan la tierra, el agua, vegetación y las nubes.

Environmental footprint

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Environmental footprint (Huella ambiental) The European Union thesaurus defines environmental footprint as the environmental impact of a product, service, or a company throughout its life cycle. This indicator demonstrates the… Read More »Environmental footprint

Primer plano de las manos de un hombre sobre su espalda. El dedo índice está cruzado sobre el dedo medio, en posición de engaño o mentira.


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Greenwashing This is the publicity or marketing strategy used by some companies or organizations to create the appearance of respect towards the environment, while hiding some of their practices that actually… Read More »Greenwashing

Ilustración tridimensional que hace alusión al mercado del petróleo. El planeta está representado en forma de pastel, del que se está sirviendo una porción. Se muestran las capas de suelo y distintas herramientas para la extracción de petróleo.


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Extractivism (Extractivismo) This neologism refers to the excessive extraction or elimination of common natural assets. It does not solely imply extracting natural elements for economic, commercial, and industrial objectives. Rather, it… Read More »Extractivism